part 7. sam is mine

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I can't believe there fighting for custody over sam...its fucking dumb. I found him I got the money to adopt him he is mine.
I'm not done fighting. Right now the police are sitting in the kitchen asking sam a ton of questions. He was really scared so I held his hand under the table.
After the questions Elton then walked in the room
"Whoa what's going on in here" I started to tear up
"Sam's old owner is fighting for custody"
"What the fu..." He went to swear and saw the police there
"Heck. Colby has the Papers saying sam is his end of story"
"Sorry to upset you sir..." Lies
"But its more than that his old owner is saying that sam ran away. And he wants him back" sam started crying
"T-Thats not true! Old ma...owner told sam he didn't want s-sam no more because sam wasnt being good and t-then he took sam and put him in the d-dumping ground and left sam there"
"OK look no more questions until we get a lawyer " Elton said shoving the police out the door
"Guys next time don't say anything unless we get a lawyer"
"Sorry Elton I just didnt know what to do" I started to cry and so did sam
"I c-cant go back to old master. h-he was mean to s-sam and it made sam s-sad. sam is happy here sam w-wants to stay here"
"Its ok sam you arent going anywhere i know a lawyer I'll call them and we will figure it out."
I hugged sam and he hugged me.
This fight isnt over yet.
Over the next couple of days Elton got ahold of his lawyer friend and help us figure everything out.
Today we met to go over our situation
"He's been known for leaving hybrids on the dumping groud i have enough evidence only thing we have to worry about is he is extreamly rich. he could buy his way out of this. but if the judge has a heart. you will win for sure"
I sighed
"Thanks again for doing this for us"
"No problem I have a hybrid of my own whom I love dearly. I'd die if anything like this would happen to him. " I smiled
"Court day is tomorrow so wear something nice and don't say anything unless asked to. I'll be there early " I nod and thank her again. now it was just me and sam left alone in the house.
"I'm s-scared. I don't want to go back" he starts to tear up again. we have been doing a lot of crying ever since this incident.
" I know sam its ok. I promised I was going to protect you remember?" He nods
"And I mean it." we stare at each other for a while. I lean in and leave a small kiss on his lips. it was everything I've imagine sparks flew through the air. then we heard a door open
"Hey guys i....oh .." I pulled away and Elton was standing there.
I felt my cheeks heat up.
Incase you haven't caught on. humans dating hybrids is very very illegal. and the fact that sam is not a girl is even more frowned on.
"Colby can I talk to you in private please"
Butterfly's in my stomach Elton pulled me to the side
"Look. I'm all for you and sam being together. But you do realize how much you two could get in trouble for right "
"Elton I know..."
"You guys are cute and I know he makes you happy. but this could cause you to lose the case with him"
I sighed
"I fucked up"
"Ya you did. tell sam he can't tell anyone about that kiss and if anyone else in the house saw..."
"I don't think anyone will rat us out "
"I'm not to sure...corey wasnt so sure of sam at first I remember you telling me that and we already know Aarons feelings about hybrids"
I sighed
"Fuck your right"
I walk back over to sam
"Hey sam...we can't tell anyone about the kiss..."
"I k-know because it could get us in trouble" I nod
"But look. I love you OK?"
He smiled
"I love you to colby"  i felt my cheeks heat up.
"Time to get my sam back"
a/n sorry the chapters keep getting shorter.

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