~Chapter 1~

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~Chapter 1~

I sprinted down the path, running towards the light. On both of my sides were walls that reached up high. Even though they were solid, I always had to keep a look out for unexpected hazards.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a large object barreling towards me. I ducked, dropped onto the floor, and rolled away from the pendulum that swung through the alleyway. I immediately got back on my feet and continued my way to the blinking red light. As I drew closer, the red light alerted me to my target. I pulled out one of my daggers and threw it precisely, slicing through where the light was.

Anyone can fire a gun, but it takes true skill to be able to throw a knife with precision and accuracy. That’s why I’ve chosen daggers to be my choice of weapon. And to be honest, I’ve never really liked guns too much - they make too much noise.

I took off in the other direction when I heard the official ding, signaling to me that the target has been hit. After a few feet, I listened and glanced around to where the next target was. I heard a noise, it was sharp and short, but it was there. I turned towards it and grabbed for another one of my knives.

“Whoa, don’t shoot!” a familiar voice mocked. I squinted and saw a slight figure in the shadows. Although it was just a shadow, I knew who it was, and it wasn’t a target.

I chuckled and gestured to my dagger. “What would I shoot you with? I only throw.”

“It’s a figure of speech, missy,” the voice replied back as his silhouette slipped out of the shadows, showing his muscular face and body. He had short, dark hair that was shaped perfectly so it wasn’t in his way. His dark eyes also stared deeply into my face.

“Whatever Ben, I don’t have time for this.” I sighed as I started to move past him.

He grabbed my arm. “Oh come on, we could team up, make this go faster.”

I looked at him straight in the face. “That’s against the rules and you know it.”  I paused to look to the far north corner of the enclosed building to see the clock counting down. “Plus, time is almost up.” I pulled my arm away from him and ran, without a second glance.

Ben called out, “See you later then!”

I scoffed and heard another sound in front of me, hoping it was the target this time and not another distraction. The familiar red light showed the target in full sight. Way too easy, there were no obstacles at all. I hated it when a task is that easy.

Deciding to make this one more fun and use my numerous skills, I stalked quietly towards my mark, with my dagger at the ready. I circled around and went behind the target. I moved forward and just as I was a foot away, I leapt, circled my arm around the front of the target and stabbed it right below the rib cage.

All of a sudden, I was blinded. All the lights in the training area turned on and the loud speaker came to life, “Attention all novices, the simulation has ended due to the elimination of all targets. Congratulations, Vanessa Vedo. You found and eliminated the most targets swiftly, with a total 14 targets. Good work everyone. Go wash and rest up. The commencement ceremony will begin in 4 hours.”

Now that there was light, I could see the large room. It was filled with random walls and obstacles in attempt to stop each novice in their tracks. The other almost-graduates, with their sweaty and gloomy faces, crowded towards the exit to go home. I turned and looked at the life-size, human-like target that I just stabbed in the chest. They were especially for training and the final test; they somehow sent a signal back to the observation room when what would be a death-blow was given to it. I studied it, and then pulled out my favorite dagger that I was awarded for my 18th birthday just a few weeks ago. My parents gave it to me, the blade was very sharp and my initials were engraved just where the hilt ended and the blade began. The hilt was my favorite part. It was black with the most intricate designs in gold. The dagger in general was beautiful, perfectly balanced, easy to wield as it molded to my firm grip.

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