The Moment

15 2 0

Jean's P.O.V

I went out for a walk until I encountered my old friends in a nearby store.

Why don't I say hi?.

"Hey, guys...long time no see" I said with a quivering voice, if they are here, Gale MUST be around.

"Omg! Jean! It really is you! Haven't seen you in a while girl!" one of my friend said, obvious from her tone that she is excited.

"Exactly Jean! Haven't seen you! How are you?"

"I..I'm fine, thank you, just a little bit uneasy.." I explained.

"Why are you so scared though? We are not gonna hurt you!" they asked...I don't know why, but I feel uneasy.

I was about to answer but then they bombarded me with question after question..I can't even answer them.

Please let this stop...please.

" that you?" I heard a voice that sent chills down my spine...for all the wrong reasons.

"Gale...what are you doing here?" I asked unenthusiastically...I am NOT thrilled with the Idea of even seeing him or hearing him.

"Hey, you know what guys? We better get going, seems like Gale and Jean needs to catch up" my old friends stated, obviously hoping that something happens.

I watched as they walk away, Gale suddenly pulled me in a nearby corner near my house.

"What do you need? Why did you pull me here?" I asked, a little panicked.

"Look, I STILL love you Jean, believe me, you are the only girl that made me feel this way, I wanna be with you, I wanna hear your voice, EVERYTHING!" He stated...just please make it stop.

"Gale..stop it already, nothing will change, just please stop..." I said, a little bit lowering my voice as a poor attemp to stop myself from crying.

"Jean! Listen to me! I really love you!" I am getting tired of this...

He started to ramble about stuff how I am the love of his life..his voice is slowly fading in my head, until I heard THOSE words.

"Jean believe me! YOU ARE THE ONLY GIRL I'VE EVER GIVEN MY ALL TO" That was the breaking point.

"SAY THAT TO ALL THE OTHER 7 GIRLS THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH! yeah! That's right! I KNOW what you did while I wasn't here, I was hurt, I knew what kind of person you are! But I NEVER stopped loving you! Why? BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT, GALE! I TRUSTED YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD CHANGE FOR ME EVENTUALLY!" I snapped at him...I broke down and cried infront of him, I don't care if anyone else heard me, I was so hurt.

I can't believe that this is happening on my Christmas break...

What a great way to celebrate Christmas Eve...

I didn't even looked at his eyes, I just wanted to walk out, so that's what I did.

My house is still a little far, but It's walking distance enough for me to manage...

Oh wow, great timing, a store nearby is playing Don't speak by No doubt ..

I feel the Christmas's cold air hitting my skin while tears are streaming down my face...

You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Oh great, It's nearing the chorus and I'm still walking, I never really paid attention on how far 'walking distance' is...

I just wiped my tears away, but to no avail, more kept on coming..

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

Thank goodness that I finally reached my house, man, that store's speakers might be freakin' gigantic if I still heard it while walking away from it.

I picked up my phone from the couch, I forgot to bring it...I checked the messages and Rob sent me 2 messages, I'm sorry, but I don't feel like answering ANY calls or messages for now, so I just told him.

Hey Rob, I'm sorry but I'm thinking about some things now, I'm all messed up, I REALLY just wsnted to be alone, I appreciate your messages...I love you.

Jean is now offline.

I walked upstairs to my room and layed my head to my pillow, I kept glancing at my phone but I know that I shouldn' I just placed my phone inside my vanity mirror, sat up and started to pace around my room.

I decided to just blast some music since mom, dad and my sister aren't home.

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