Really, Ann?

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Athena's P.O.V

Look at this girl, texting and all of that in class, really? You really thought I don't know that you're still talking to Gale?...Pffft, that's cute.

"So girl! Are you gonna go eat lunch with me at the canteen?" I asked.....still texting...does she even hear me?.

*Snap* *snap* "Hello???" I'm getting tired of this.

"Oh, sorry, I was too busy texting, so? What are you gonna eat?"

"Who were you texting though? Are you texting Allen?" I asked, she kinda frowned when I mentioned her BOYFRIEND.

"Nope, I was texting Gale! I don't talk to Al. anymore, but we are still together, our monthsary is coming" Oh yeah, their monthsary, hu...interesting.

"You told Jean that you would stop talking to Gale" yeah she did.

"I did, but Gale messaged me again, so I couldn't help but text him back, he is so funny!" I am sorry for the language, but this b!+ch is really gonna continue her
Homewrecker much?

"Oh, what did he say?"
"He told me that he likes me sooo much!"

"Did you know that he told Jean that he loves her last night, and that he would give the world to her?"

Yeah, see? She already knows that Jean and Gale had been together for over a year now.
"Whatever, let's just eat!"
She bought two chips, one whole rice, hotdog, and one pack of biscuit..

Wow...even I couldn't eat all of that.
Good for her, but if she even try to grab my ONE AND ONLY pack of biscuit, I'll choke her.

She did..


Oh, someone messaged me
"Hey, wait here, just eat, but don't touch my biscuit" I warned her.

"Hey, is the b!+ch there with you?" Oh, It's Jean.

"Yeah, she's eating over there, I left the table, so, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but any news?"

I hesitated...
"Not really, I guess she's texting in class, It's Gale again, he just told her that he likes her"

"Oh, really? I'm gonna talk to him tonight, thanks for the information"

"Always welcome"

That's the end of the call, I went back to our table, I saw that Ann is texting again..
If her phone doesn't get confiscated, that's talent, we are literally in the middle of the canteen.

"Lisa, if you don't stop that and continue eating, I'll leave you here" I said.

"Okay fine! Hold on to your heart, you'll drop it" Really? What the hell does that even mean?.

After that, we went to our classroom, I got greeted by my best friend Mark.

"Can I borrow her for a second, Lisa?" Mark asked, while literally dragging me outside.

"So? Why did you drag me here? I just got back from the canteen, I'm not going back down again, too tired to care" That's true, I am not getting him water, he better go down by himself.

"No, no, that's not why I dgragged you here!"

"then why?"
"I was going to the mall with Jhon and Gilbert, we are gonna bring our dates, but Gilbert doesn't have a date, could you be his date? I know you like him!" Really? This again, I don't have much money though.

Also, I'm kinda trying to move on from Gilbert (Kinda successful) , he rejected me already.
"Please! For me! You treat me like a younger brother, so you should do it"
"okay, fine"

That's literally how I got to this situation...
I am at the mall with Gilbert.....and also with Ann FREAKIN' Lisa...

Trying to get her off of Gilbert because she kept on holding on to him...
Really? Are you really gonna do this?

I guess, this could be revenge because Gilbert used to like Lisa, but she kept on getting new boyfriends after another.
She also kinda thinks he is...y'know...just weird lookin'.
But I looked pass all of that, I still decided to love him, but sometimes, his personality makes me think otherwise.
He is difficult, he is dense, he doesn't see what he did wrong most of the time, I have to say that I'm mad for him to actually do something.
Incase you are wondering, he is now my boyfriend...

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