Face It

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No one's P.O.V

Jean was speaking with Athena, Ann was just eating and texting, again..
Mark is with Gilbert and Jhon, just fooling around.
It seems like a normal day...but then...


Athena was the first one to notice, then Jean.

"Why are you crying, Lisa?"
Athena asked.

"Allen isn't talking to me anymore, I think he saw Gale's message to me" Ann stated, still crying.

"What was the message?" Athena asked, by this time, Jean was already holding back, she just left..

"Okay, so Jean's gone, what the hell was the message?"

"It was something like 'Hello, my baby Lis.' or something like that" Lisa stated,Crying.

"Oh, understandable, look here Lisa, you are my friend, but I could understand why he would be mad, you are his GIRLFRIEND and yet, you are entertaining another girl's man's advances towards you, knowing that he is already with someone, especially a FRIEND of ours! That is kinda shameless!"
Athena explained, she couldn't hold it in anymore, seeing and hearing Jean crying at night through their call, it's painful to hear one of your friends crying because of someone's betrayal.

They just hugged, and then Jean went back inside.

They just comforted Lisa through out the whole day.
Even Jean, she just decided to comfort Lisa, even though she's been betraying her this whole time.

The final bell just rang.

Athena and Jean are the only ones left in the class besides the cleaners.

"So...what was that all about?" Jean asked.

They are currently leaning on one of the walls of the classroom, one of them are itching to smoke (not cigarettes), and one of them itching to drink some wine...the tension right now is high.

"It was about something Gale said, it goes like 'Hello, my baby Lis.' or somethin' , honestly, your man is thirsty for that Lisa charm..I don't know which charm though"

They just quietly laughed, It wasn't a joke, but It's more like they just laughed the reality out, Lisa isn't the most charming when it comes to personality, maybe looks, but that's about it, alot of guys gave up on her because they said she was boring and violent for no reason, they also noticed that she brags about EVERYTHING, even about the guys that likes her.

Everyone in the class hates her, except for her friends, Athena, Jean, Kayla, and Tianna.

Lisa already messed up her relationship with Kayla though, she told Jean "I don't care if my grades are high, I'm just trying to beat Kayla from her spot" yeah, envious.

"Hm, I guess Gale is already trying to look for a new gf once we are over...well, I saw the signs...also, they 'Spade' guy is courting me, he's a cool guy, very sweet, and very serious about courting me, the only problem is that I still love Gale"

Athena just looked at Jean, this kind of conversation really reminds her of a conversation she saw.

"Gosh, I really need my trusty ol' wine, I'm super stressed, Lisa always makes me talk to Allen when they have a problem, I don't hate it, I LOVE helping, but the problem is that, sometimes, I think to myself, 'What if I'm doing this for nothing?' y'know? What if they are just not meant together, Lisa isn't showing changes, she still acts as if she wants to flirt with everyone that has a gf"
Athena stated.

"yeah, I see that, did you know that she tried to touch Mark? If only Camilla knows, she would have been dead by now" Jean said.

After all of that, Jean just went home.


Spade is Online

Spade: Hello, Jean!

Hey! Thanks for messaging me, I'm having a rough time, my bf is still hitting on my friend, I know all of that, but I still love him, I couldn't even hate Ann.

Spade: He doesn't deserve you, and Ann doesn't deserve a friend like you.

Awe, thanks, I guess I'm too nice, I mean, I have alot of friends, but It's just that, I only have a few people that I trust.

Spade: I understand that, so wanna talk about something? Any topics?

Hmm, I guess we could talk about you? Tell me, how did you get the missing pointers?

Spade: I can't tell you that, that is confidential missy, hahaha, but I guess you could say that I have my ways.

Okay, mysterious much? So, where do you live?

Spade: Just around that 'town' I guess, I use the jeep to go to school, I do not attend your school though.

Oh, interesting, I also take the jeep to go to school, I might see you without knowing it.

Spade: I guess, I wouldn't mind seeing you, you are too cute, you look like a cuddly teddy bear.

Oh come on! I'm not that chubby! How many times am I gonna be compared to bears?

Spade: Hey, don't blame me! You're too cute for your own good! I bet your pouting right now.

That's the whole night for Jean, talking to 'Spade'.

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