The world's payback

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No one's P.O.V

It's saturday, Ann and Athena is just planning on what to do for the upcoming prom night.

Athena's dress is already planned, she already hired a makeup artist, and she already got her shoes.

Ann however, is still not sure.
Her parents is really trying to prevent her from attending prom.

AnnLisLis: Girl! I don't even know! My parents are confusing!...

Well, that sucks, I wanna go to the prom with you though, even Marie is going to attend, and you KNOW damn well that dhe hates it.

AnnLislis: Yeah, I know that, It really sucks, I wanna wear cute dresses and I wanna buy expensive shoes.

Um, okay then! It sucks I guess...but hey, How are you and Allen?.

AnnLisLis: Oooh, girl! You'll probably smack him if only you know! He has been cheating on me with Evallyn, remember that big jawed girl?.

Oh, no freakin' way! Omg, what did you say to him though?

AnnLisLis: I didn't talk to him, I just blokced his @ss, he told Evallyn that we already broke up to get in her freaking pants!.

Ugh, that's probably the lamest freaking thing that I heard, He cheated on his gf that literally gave effort into every single gift because of what? Something that happened months ago? Or maybe because he's really just that much of a pathetic liar?

AnnLisLis: Calm down, everything you said was true, but I don't care anymore, I cried for him too many times.

AnnLisLis: hey, I have to go now, bye.

After Ann logged out of her account, she did the biggest mistake of her life and called someone that has a crush on her and started to 'work it' on camera.


The trio, Marie, Jean and Athena was already there.

They were just talking to each other, hobbies and all that, until Rio, their male friend, comes in and pulled out his phone.

All four of them started talking, It was just a normal conversation.
But then Rio said something suspicious.

"Oh, also, Athena, how is Lisa? Is she okay? How is she holding up after the incident?" Rio asked

The trio looked at each other, confused as to what Rio means.

Rio then realized that he just spilled the news that none of them even knew about.

"what the hell do you mean?" Athena asked, clutching Jean's shoulder.

She knows that whatever incident it is, Lisa probably didn't do today, since she's been with Lisa all the time except for now, Lisa is still eating recess at the canteen.

"Okay, I'll show you something, but don't tell ANYONE, except for Marie, Jean, and Kayla" Rio then pulled Athena away from the group and brought her near the trash can.

They sat down in a nearby chair.
Rio pulled his phone to show Athena a screenshot, Athena's eyes went wide, It was Lisa, she was wearing glasses but other than that,....nothing else.

"W..what? Wait, what? Is this screenshot of a conversation in a Group chat? So you're not the only person who saw this? Wait, what? I don't understand! I-i can't believe this! Maybe that's not her! Maybe it's just a look alike!" Athena was shaking, she was nearly tearing up, she can't process it.

She's denying it but she know damn well inside her, that the girl was Ann.

At the end of the day, almost all of their classmate discovered because of Rio's friend, Kyle.

Ann thought that her secret is still hidden, but the reality is that, she's the only one remaining that doesn't know.

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