• A Flash of the Past •

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Let's get one thing straight.

I never intended to fall for Draco Malfoy.

But then again...

Does anyone plan to fall in love?


We stood on the cracked steps of Hogwarts, all the students and staff brave enough to fight lined up on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Voldemort stood twenty feet ahead, grinning like a mad man. Because that's exactly what he was.

I stood next to Ginny, gripping her hand so hard I lost feeling a couple seconds ago.

I looked over the sea of black, deatheaters covered the grounds. Hagrid emerged, almost humorously larger than anyone else. Ginny crept forward, the blood flowed through my right hand once again.

"Neville, who is that?" Ginny asked, "Who is that Hagrid's carrying?"

Voldemort grinned at the red head, "Harry Potter is Dead!"

Voldemort cackled as his voice echoed through the air.

"NO!" Ginny screamed, something so raw and hurt that it tore my heart in two.

I would've screamed too, but I was frozen.

A hand touched mine and I instinctively flinched, pulling my arm out of the person's grasp.

"It's me, Love."

I Immediately relaxed, holding out my hand for him to grab once again. I laced my fingers through his, hidden from everyone because it was so tightly packed with students.

Ginny swarmed forward, looking ready to swing fists at the old wizard. Arthur rushed up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, tugging her back as tears poured down her face.

I sobbed into my shoulder that was touching Draco's. His hand discreetly slid up to caress my cheek, covered by my hair.

Over the past year, we've gotten extremely good at hiding our affection.

"Shh, love. It's okay, It's going to be okay. I promise."

Voldemort continued his speech about defeating Harry.

Then he made a deal that made my heart stop. That if we came over to the Dark side, we would be spared. Be taken into his ranks.

Draco sounded erratic, his breath coming in gasps, "Hermione, you know I have to go."

Tears fell from my eyes, "You don't have to."

I finally faced him and saw something I never wanted to see again. Draco Malfoy stood by my side, broken, tears fell from his eyes, "Yes I do."

"Draco," a harsh voice hissed.

Draco let go of my hand as students turned to look at him. He was too good of an actor, his tears had disappeared and his expression hardened immediately.

"Draco... Come," Narcissa said quietly. That was when he moved.

He muttered without his lips moving, "I love you."

And he walked to the other side.

My heart was crushed with every step he took.

Neville unexpectedly limped out into the middle of the grounds.

As Neville talked, a movement caught my eye.

In Hagrid's arms, Harry's limp arm began to curl. I nudged Ginny and gestured in his direction, covering her mouth with my hand just in time before a joyful sob escaped her lips, but not my hand.

Neville pulled out the sword of Gryffindor and Harry fell from Hagrid's arms and took off.

"Harry!" Ginny exclaimed.

Voldemort cursed and aimed his wand at him but missed every time. I grinned at his figure as he raced off but my grin immediately fell when I saw the rage of Voldemort.

The deatheaters charged, not out for blood but for death.

What scared me even more was watching the love of my life run away.

• • •

Flashback to the battle of Hogwarts. Next chapter will take place in present.

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