Devil of a Man

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Run, Run, Run

As fast as you can

You might outrun the devil of a man


"Remind me to research how to cast a restraint spell tomorrow, will you?" I groaned.

Ginny and Harry spun to face me.

Rita simply grinned, "Ah, certainly the host will let me into her little party, right Miss. Granger?"

"Wrong," I glared at her, "Now get out of my common room."

"Alrighty then, I'll leave you all be. Have a good night," she chuckled and turned, briskly walking away.

Harry closed the portrait, "That was weird."

Ginny's eyebrows furrowed, turning to Harry, "Keep an eye on the door, I don't trust that bloody witch."

I sighed, "I've got to go find Draco and warn him."

I turned to the rest of the common room filled with people milling about and tried to squeeze through the mass of people.

A hand gripped my wrist and tugged, causing me to stumble.

I whirled to face them and sighed when I saw Ron standing there, grasping my arm.

"Ron, you scared me!" I breathed.

He looked relaxed, his eyes were half shut, eyebrows drawn together in a confused sort of manor, his lip tugged in the corner, "'Mione, can you come with me for a minute?"

I bit my lip, scanning the crowd for Draco, things could get very out of hand very quickly if I didn't warn Draco, "Ron, I really have to find Draco quickly, I promise I will after."

He shook his head, "It's important, Hermione."

"Fine, Ron, what is it?" I groaned.

"Come with me," was all he said, as he tugged on my wrist once again and pulled me up the stairs, turning to walk into my bedroom.

I glared at Seamus and Dean, who were currently getting extremely comfortable on my bed. "Dear Merlin, get a room... other than mine!"

Seamus's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he led the way out. Dean simply glared at me, for interrupting.

Dean shut the door behind him and I turned to face Ron, who was sitting on my bed, examining my wand, "What is it that you needed, Ron?"

Ron didn't answer, he simply held my wand and casted a spell at the door, "Colloportus".

I froze as I heard the latch to the lock click into place, "Ron, what's going on?"

"Don't worry, Hermione, I'm simply taking back what's rightfully mine," he stood and took a step towards me, I backed away in turn.

"Ronald, I don't know what kind of game you're playing at, but if you don't hand me back my wand, I will-"

"What? Beat me up? You're nothing without your wand, Hermione," He continued to walk towards me, "You were mine sixth year. Then all of the sudden, ferret breaks down in front of you and you feel sympathetic and pitiful for him. I tried everything to get you back. I went as far as to date Lavender Brown, all that did was make Ginny and Harry pissed off."

My hands shook and I clenched them to try and make them stop. My mind was a storm, trying to make sense of the words he was saying, the things he was doing, the things I should've been doing.

"The day Malfoy ran away from the battle like the coward he is was the best day of my life. He broke your heart, Hermione, I was there to pick up the pieces and you just threw yourself back at him simply because he said he was sorry? It's not fair. I deserve you. You deserve me. He in no world deserves you."

I backed into the bed and toppled down. Before I could even scramble to my ankles, invisible restraints wrapped around my wrists, rubbing against the mudblood scar every time I moved.

My chest heaved, "Ron, stop, please, you're drunk, you're not thinking straight."

Ron was unbuttoning his shirt, slowly making his way over to me, "Does he really love you, Hermione? Does he show it to you? Why don't I give you something to compare him to."

His shirt dropped on to the floor and I sobbed as he leaned over me, "Ron, please!"

He ripped at my shirt, "You've made me mad, Hermione, You've dangled yourself in front of my face and tortured me with the idea of us. Well, one way or another, you'll be mine tonight."

He ripped the shirt and I screamed.

"Shut the hell up, you deserve this," his hand slipped down my bare stomach, his hands clammy and cold to the touch. I kicked at him, but he simply pinned my legs down, moving his hands to the waistband of my jeans as I sobbed.

The door burst open and Ron barely had time to look up before he was thrown to the ground with a bang.

All I can hear are grunts and the sound of skin meeting skin.

My heart beats fast and my skin crawls. The reality of what could've happened has finally sunk in and I curl my legs up against my chest, close my eyes and cry in relief.

The mattress sinks beside me and my eyes shoot open.

The pressure on my wrists is lifted and I look up to see Draco's face, filled with a mix of anger and concern hovering above me.

I lunge forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He stumbled before sitting back on my bed, tugging me flush against his body, "He's not going to touch you, ever again Hermione, I promise you that. I promise."

Forbidden Love -- Dramioneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن