Show Me

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I've dreamt of your hands,

The look on your face as you advance,

Taunting you but you don't give me a chance


I flicked the hair out of my face as I marched down the corridor. As hard as I had tried, I hadn't been able to deflate my swollen, red eyes. I guess that's what I get for crying myself to sleep last night.

I was finally done with my rounds, successfully avoiding Draco, and was on my way to McGonagall's office.

I rounded the corner and about tripped over my own two feet.

That pale prat was standing three feet away from me.

I groaned and swung my body around to face the way I had come, trying to figure out a different way to get to McGonagall.

"'Mione, stop," he called.

I spun, facing him with my eyebrow raised," What do you want, Draco? If you don't remember, you were the one who broke up with me!"

I gasped as I looked up into the eyes of a suffering man, "You look terrible," I almost slapped myself, nice Hermione, real nice.

His body jerked with a laugh, "Ditto."

I sighed, "Well this sure was a nice chat and all, but if you'll excuse me, I've got somewhere to be."

I walked away but got merely got a step in before his hand slipped around my wrist, "Where are you going? The common room's this way - let's talk about this."

I closed my eyes, he sounded desperate, which was more troubling than anything. Draco Malfoy never let someone see him weak.

"Alright," I sighed, opening my eyes to glance at the gargoyle that seemed smug.

I turned and walked with Draco toward the common room, "Where were you going?" Draco asked.

I shrugged, "To McGonagall."

His face twisted in confusion, "Why McGonagall?"

"I was going to ask to live back in the Gryffindor dormitory instead of our common room," I said plainly.

Draco had gone pale - er - paler," Because of me?"

"Because even though I was pissed at you for breaking up with me I still couldn't help loving you and every time I looked at you it was like someone was stabbing my heart and I couldn't stand it-"

He spun his body so that he was in front of me. I barely caught the hurt swimming in his eyes before they were closed and his lips were on mine.

His hand snaked around my waist and pulled me against him, his other hand tangled in my hair, holding my head so he could press his lips against mine.

Without hesitation I leaned into the kiss, cupping his pale, boney cheeks with my hands, pressing his face harder against mine.

He leaned away slightly before whispering in my ear, "I've missed you."

I grinned playfully and caught his earlobe between my teeth, "Show me."

He pulled away with his famous smirk plastered to his face, throwing me into his arms and taking off at a full on sprint to the common room.

• •

Holy crap that was a short chapter. I'd love to say the next chapter will make up for it but I haven't written it yet. Should be up tomorrow or the day after.

Anyways... Your girl passed her drivers' test today! Your girl was also an idiot and decided that today seemed like a good day to take it and then looked outside and saw it was down pouring. Oh well, I passed at least.

Also... Merrry Chrystler everyone! Hope you had an awesome holiday.

(if you don't get the Chrystler reference from vine I pity you)

Forbidden Love -- DramioneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ