The Entertainment Has Arrived

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Tell me what he did,

What you want me to do,

I'd do it in a heartbeat, for you


I peeled open my eyes to be met with green as a hurricane of pain shot through my head. I groaned and immediately squeezed my eyes shut as I groaned, crushing the pillow against my face.

I tried to think up a spell to get rid of the pounding headache, but I haven't been in this position before, so hungover it hurt to roll my eyes at my own stupidity.

As soon as I could squint through my eyelids I managed to stand, gripping the furniture in Draco's room as I groaned.

At the top of the staircase I heard voices

"-her, she's probably still asleep, she had a long night, you know."

Someone whistled, "She wasn't the only one... if you know what I mean."

Someone grunted in pain, "Don't fuck with me, Zabini. You know that's nothing to joke about."

"Sorry, but what are we joking about?"

"You haven't heard? Last night-"

I grunted as I made it to the bottom of the steps.

"'Mione!" Harry said in surprise.

I winced at the volume of his voice, putting my hand to my head, "What the hell did I drink last night and why the bloody hell did you let me?"

Draco laughed as he walked over to me, his hand resting on the side of my head as he laid a kiss on my forehead.

"Here," he nudged a mug filled with a sour smelling green substance in it, "You'll feel better."

I grimaced into the cup and up at him, "I swear, if this is poison I'm going to kill you."

He rolled his eyes, "It's a potion for the hang over. Blaise has a stash in his room-"

"Oi!" Blaise yelled.

Draco narrowed his eyes at Blaise, "Am I wrong?"

Blaise shifted next to Pansy, who was smirking at him, "No, but you don't have to say it like it's a bad thing. I like to be prepared."

I rolled my eyes and tilted my head back, coughing as the gross potion spilled into my mouth.

I thrust the cup back into his hand and stuck my tongue out repeatedly, my face scrunched up in disgust.

Draco was grinning knowingly at me and I smacked his arm, "Shut up."

I walked over to where everyone else was sitting and sprawled myself across one of the couches, "How long was I out?"

Ginny sighed, "It's about noon, not as bad as I thought to be completely honest. You are a lightweight, you know."

I glared at her, "Well excuse me for not getting hammered every other night," I tilted my head in Blaise's direction.

He slapped his hand to his chest, feigning hurt, "First of all, It's usually every night so you're incorrect there, " he held up his finger before grinning, "Second, I never thought I'd hear Goody two shoes use the word 'hammered' in a sentence so casually before."

I threw a pillow at him with a quick flick of my wand, which hit him square in the face. I didn't care enough to use my arm and it wouldn't have been nearly as hard.

"So, how'd you get Skeeter to get her arse out of here last night?" I asked, starting to remember last night slightly.

Harry groaned, "We took shifts manning the door so that she wouldn't barge in. Practically undressed Malfoy with her eyes when it was his turn though," he grimaced.

I stiffened as my mind swam.

His shirt dropped on to the floor and I sobbed as he leaned over me, "Ron, Please!"

"You've made me mad, Hermione, You've dangled yourself in front of my face and tortured me with the idea of us. Well, one way or another, you'll be mine tonight."

He ripped the shirt and I screamed.

"-son of a bitch, look at what he did to her. As if she hasn't gone through enough as it is," Pansy spat with disgust.

My body was numb and I jumped as I felt arms wrap around me, "It's me, love."

I let him pull me towards him, resting my head against his chest as his hand brushed through my hair.

"What? What is happening? What the bloody hell are you all talking about? What happened last night?" Ginny shrieked, her face red.

I couldn't meet her eyes.

Draco, Blaise, and pansy all made eye contact, each saying, You've got this one.

"I'll give you five seconds before my wand is up down your-"

"Alright, cool it, Red," Blaise sighed, "Last night... your brother made a move on Hermione, as in sexually."

Ginny's face flamed, Harry jumped up in rage, "WHAT!?"

Ginny stood, her hands shaking, Hermione almost felt sorry for Ron, for when Ginny's so angry her hands shake, they won't stop shaking until you stop moving.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard, that bloody prat is going to wish he had never been born when I'm through with him," She stomped off, throwing the portrait open, muttering an apology to Lily as she went.

Harry cursed under his breath and followed after her.

Pansy and Blaise stood, Blaise was practically bursting with excitement, "We're gonna see Red use her Bat-Bogey Hex on Weasel! This is the best. Day. Ever!"

Blaise skipped out of the common room, Pansy yelling at him as she followed.

I sighed, sliding off of the couch and out of Draco's embrace, "We should probably go, I don't think Harry, Blaise, or Pansy will be holding anyone back."

"Damn prick deserves it," he spat.

I sighed, "Come on," I grabbed his hand and tugged him out of the common room to go see Ron get beat up.

• • •

Sorry not sorry for all the swearing 🤷🏽‍♀️

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