Chapter 8

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It was so loud. Gunshots, screaming and some terrifying noises. I opened my eyes and screamed. Theere was a large spider like zombie mush tight above me. I hurried and scooted backwards. Joseph grabbed me and stood me up. I hugged him and said "Thank god you're alive." I grabbed my gun and began shooting at it. It fell back and we thought we lost it. Then zombies started to come from above. We took out a all of the ones above and i ran out of amo. There were some in front of the bus. Joesph said "I'll take care of them." Then he shot them down. One had dynamite and it rolled under a gas truck. The gas truck exploded and Kidman hit the gas. We were off once again. The spider creature came back and we,managed to get it off. It followed us then jumped on the back. It lifted it's leg and was about to stab Sebastian when we went under a bridge. The creature was finally dead. Sebastian asked Joseph if we had any ideas where we were going. Then he went on to explain how he thinks we should go to the hospital or the lighthouse. I wasn't paying attention. I was do focused on what will I do when i get out of here. Joesph stood up and stood beside Kidman. He fell and screamed. He grabbed his stomach and i ran towards him. "Joesph. No!" I yelled. He was shot. Kidman pointed out an ambulance and told Sebastian to go get the medical supplies. I stayed by Joesph applying preasure on his wond. His hands, shaking, made there way to my face. "I love you Y/N. No matter what happens. You have been the only person in my life who could understand me and be there for me. Thank you." Tears fell down my face. "Just stay with me JoJo. You can't leave me." "Please be quick Seb." I whispered. JoJo smiled and kissed my cheek. I heard footsteps and Sebastian ran onto the bus. He helped Joseph and patched him up. I sat beside him and he laid his head on my shoulder. I let him rest there as Kidman started to drive again. "Hang on, it's gonna get a little bumpy." Kidman yelled. She started to run over the zombies and push her way past the cars in the road. Then I saw him. Ruvik. He made the bus fly up and tilted in. I screamed and Ruvik looked scared. He couldn't stop the bus and we were sent flying through multiple buildings and Sebastian, Joesph, and I were sent flying out of the bus. I my back hit a wall and the wind was knocked out of me. I also fell on a broken bottle so I had glass in my side. Fuck. Ruvik appeared and touched my forehead. I was naked on a surgical table. I had a mask on and I felt tired. "I have to remove the glass and do some repairs. The gas just lets you sleep and feel numb." I nodded and my eyelids got heavier and heavier. I closed them for good and fell asleep.
I woke up and I felt like shit. My side hurt and I felt sick. I was fully dressed and on Ruvik's bed. The door opened and Ruvik came in. He sat beside,me and cried. "You should leave me. We can't be together. I always seem to hurt you." I sat up despite the pain. "I don't care if you kill me. I want to be with you. Please don't leave me." He looked at me and kissed me. "Can we just be together for a while." He nodded and took his cloak off. He got under the covers and I scooted closer. He carefully wrapped his arms around my waist. I laid my head on his chest. I heard his heart beat and closed my eyes. I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up and saw Ruvik sleeping. He must not have gotten enough sleep. I close my eyes again and lay there. I felt the warmth of his embrace. He was so sweet. I wonder how he got those burns. I wanted to ask him but i didn't want to upset him. I felt like that was from a dark time in history for him. I heard him stir in his sleep. Then he started yelling. He was screaming no and Laura. I shook him trying to wake him up. Then I slapped him. He shot up and pinned my arms to the bed. It took him a few seconds to realize it was just me. "You were having a nightmare and you were yelling. I was worried and didn't know what to do. I'm sorry i hit you." He calmed down and let go of me. "It's okay. Im glad you woke me up." He said. He stood ip and grabbed his cloak. He said "I have to go. See you around princess." I nodded and he left. I laid back down and relaxed. I didn't want to do anything i just wanted to lay there. I stayed there in bed for about another hour. I felt like i should get up. I stood up and my side didn't hurt. It was still wrapped but it didn't hurt. Thank god. I put my shoes on and walked to the door. I grabbed the handle and slowly pushed the door open. I walked out and a bright light made me cover my eyes. I was in a park and saw Leslie and Kidman infront of me. Leslie ran forward and everything stoped. Kidman pulled out a gun and I ran towards Leslie. "Move." She said. Sebastian aimed a gum at Kidman "Stop." Joseph ran in and Leslie began to freak out. Windows started shattering and the ground was shaking. Leslie ran and Joseph got in the way "Don't do it" he yelled. I heard a gunshot go off and Joseph was hit. The ground broke,and Sebastian and I fell. We were in some kind of subway. "Do you think he made it?" I asked tears on my face. "Of corse he did. He had to." He said. Then we heard a loud screech. "We should go."

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