Chapter 7

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Chains. Blood. Pain. I tug on the cold metal trying to get free. I heard the door open and I stopped. I feared for who it,was. I heard the loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Why? Why me? I began to cry. He walked over to me and gave me an evil glare. "Stop crying or else I'm gonna give you something to cry about." He said. I stopped and he grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. Then he slapped me five times. Each time my face becoming numb. He punched me which sent me straight back to the cold stone floor. He took this opportunity to kick me in the stomach a few times. He wasn't satisfied until blood came out of my mouth. I hate him. With all of my heart. He got up to walk back upstairs when I screamed "Fuck you." He stopped,and,turned around. He gave me a murderous glare. He already killed my mother so he shouldn't have a problem killing me. He pulled out a knife and ran towards me. He lifted it over his head and it came down fast.

I woke up and screamed. I hate my dad. I'm so glad he died. My memories of him are terrible. O realized I was on the floor of the mansion where Sebastian had to try and find a way to open the door. I heard an elevator door open behind me and looked back. Sebastian came towards me and helped me up. I followed him and we went down the hall and through a few rooms. He reached a door and slowly opened it. Leslie was hooked up to a machine. "Doc... What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sebastian said. "Trying to save us" said the doctor. "Really. 'cause,it looks like you're trying to make another monster to me." Sebastian said. "I don't have time for this, Detective..." "Nither do I" Sebastian said as he aimed his gun at the doctor. "Leslie,has been here before. And made it back. He survived being linked to Ruvik. The only patient ever, as car as I know..." The doctor said. "Wonderful. What does that have to do with any of this?" Seb asked. "He's our way out. Detective. Our only way back." The doctor said as he walked over to the controls. "Please unhook him." I pleaded. "No can do" replied the doctor. He flipped the switch and Leslie,started screaming." Stop. Stop it your hurting him." I yelled. It started to work then it broke down. "Leslie are hou alright?" I ran to him and asked. I unhooked him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. His tears were vetting my shirt wet but I didn't care. I rubbed his back trying to calm him down. He calmed down and then I looked up. There was a monster that was made out of a bunch of bodies. It had about 7 heads. I made sure Leslie didn't look. He tried to turn around but I grabbed his head and made him look at me. We looked into each others eyes and I kissed him. I hugged him again because I was scared and didn't want him to die. The monster crushed the doctor and semy us flying through the fence. I saw Leslie disappear and I went my own way. I fell hard on the floor and the wind was knocked out of me. I steadied my breathing and calmed down. I slowly sat up and looked around. I was in the city and it was falling apart. I looked behind me and saw Kidman. She didn't look too happy to see me but she followed me. I drew my gun and we headed towards safety. Or at least we thought. A lot of zombies tried to kill us then I saw Sebastian across the street. I yelled at him and he knew I needed help. I saw him swim and climb the stairs. He walked inside and I heard a bunch of gunshots. "Y/N, Kidman, it's me." I opened the door and we walked in. Then there was banging on the door in front of us. 3 zombies came at us and onestayed back and shot at us. Kidman took them out and we carefully made our way to the street. We headed around the back of a building and went inside. When we walked in Sebastian began grabbing his head like Joesph. I knew he was going to turn. He tried to attack me then Kidman. Kidman escaped and locked me in with him. He turned and tackled me. He grabbed my neck and began to strangle me. With what little strength I had left I took a nearby glass bottle and smaked him over the head. He fell unconcious and I hid in the corner of the room. After about 10 minutes he started to wake up. He groaned and said "What happened?" Kidman behind the safety of the door said "You turned just like Joseph. You're infected." He tried to open the door but it was locked. "Unlock the door." "Sorry no can do" she replied. He sat back down then looked over and saw me. "Oh my god did I hurt you?" He questioned as he walked towards me. I flinched and curled up trying to protect myself. He stopped and slowly walked closer. He keeled in front of me and asked me to look at him. He looked ashamed. He felt terrible for hurting me. "I'm so sorry Y/N." I stood up and looked out of the door. "Kidman's gone. We need to find that bitch." I said. I pewalked past the mirror in rhe room and stopped. I had two blue and purple hand prints. I quickly turned away and heard someone say "Get it open... Get it open" "Leslie?" I asked. He opened one of the doors and then yelled "Help..Help...HELP." Then he ran off. Sebastian pushed the door and got us out. We ended up in a room it highly flammable gas. Well,that sucks. We can't use our guns. We found a key card and escaped the room full of manicans. We went outside to the balcony and Sebastian said "Joseph." I looked around and asked "Where?" He pointed over towards the trainand i saw him run away. I followed Sebastian down a ladder and through the streets. We burned the zombies on the ground and headed toward the exit. Ruvik appeared and I ran towards him. He began to freak out and tentical like things came out of his face. One grabbed me and slammed me into the ground. He did it again. Then again. Sebastian shot it and it died. "It's a fake." I heard him say. I slowly stood up and befan to fall. Sebastian ran to me and caught me. He wiped the blood off of my face. I didn't know I was bleeding. He stood infront of me and told me to get on his back. I climbed up and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt tired and i was in pain. I just needed to sleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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