Chapter 1

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It was my first day with the KCPD. I was walking with another detective named Kidman. She gave me evil glares and looked like she wanted to see me burn alive. We walked into a room and I saw two really handsome guys. Kidman said "Here is the newbie, show her around. I'm on my break." She walked past me making sure to run into me. The guy with glasses began "I am Joseph. This is Sebastian." He pointed to the other man. I nodded and said" I'm(Y/N)". Kidman ran in and said "Hurry up. We need to go. There was a shooting at Beacon Mental Hospital." We all rushed to the only KCPD car left. An officer named Conley drove us. I was stuck in the middle of Kidman and Joseph. Sebastian got to sit in the front. When we reached the hospital, there were about 7 police cars and 3 ambulances. We got out of the car and stepped into the pouring rain. I walked over to the main entrance. I cracked the door open and winced. "Smells like blood." Joseph said. I nodded and grabbed my gun. Sebastian told Kidman to wait outside. She gave me an evil glare and then turned around and left. I walked in with Sebastian and Joseph. Joseph walked ahead of us. "Someone's alive." He said as he ran into a room. We quickly ran into the room. There was a doctor sitting on the ground muttering words. All I could pick up was 'Ruvik.....Alive?'. I looked at Sebastian and said "Security footage might tell us something." He nodded and walked over to the monitor. I heard gunshots on the footage and looked over. There was a cloaked man behind him. Sebastian turned around and the guy in the cloak stabbed a syringe into his arm. I was frozen in fear as the man turned around. He walked towards me and touched my forehead. I began to fall as he caught me and smirked. My vision became black.
I woke up to a white ceiling. I was laying on a soft bed.  I tried to move but my hands and feet were tied to the bed. I looked around and saw i was in a nice clean bedroom. I looked down and noticed i was only in my bra and underwear. The door opened and i shot my head up. There stood the same man in the cloak. He smirked and walked towards me. He sat down beside me and i studied his body. He had burns and scars all over. I thought he was beautiful. "Beautiful" I said but quickly looked down. I can't believe i said that out loud. I looked away and he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I tried to touch his face but I was handcuffed. I sighed and he unclipped the handcuffs. I reached out to touch his face. He didn't move or pull away, so I took that as I sign that i could continue. I traced my fingers over his burns and stitches. "You really don't think im ugly? Or look like a monster?" I chuckled. "No. Who would ever call you ugly? I see beauty in everything and you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen. Your scars and burns make me attracted to you in a way that I have never felt before. I love it." I whispered. He smiled and grabbed my chin again. He tilted my face up a little and leaned in. His lips grazed mine and I closed my eyes. He pulled back and untied my legs. He handed me my clothes and I got dressed. He kissed me one last time before i was zapped to the front of the mental hospital.

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