July 3rd, 2018

9 1 0

^Grounded, could not take a pic. Explanation down below :)

41 days until school.

13 days until my birthday.

Okay so I was grounded and could not be on my phone.

I cleaned all morning.

Then, later that night I snuck my phone.

The picture looks like I have a baby bump!

Yes, I took more of my fake bumps :')

I am not pregnant nor am I 'fat'.

I pranked my neighbor into telling her I was pregnant.

I was sixteen weeks, so I knew the gender (girl, if you were curious).

At first, she didn't believe me.

Then, I showed proof with the baby bump, and had a whole story planned out.

It was funny, and she fell asleep!

So, I never got to tell her it was a prank until earlier 😂!


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