July 1st, 2018

8 1 0


44 days until school.

16 days until my birthday.

I woke up to numb hands.

Numb everything in fact.

The mountains were so pretty.

My friend and I walked around the lake and relaxed.

Then, we helped take down the tent.

After that, her parents went fishing and we watched the younger children.

Toddlers and babies are super adorable when they aren't fussy.

We went swimming afterwards.

The lake was way too cold for my liking.

I was shivering and oh ma god.

I cut my foot open on a rock, then stepped in sand and mud.

So, my foot got infected.


We left the town after we swam.

Then, we went on a scavenger hunt.

Sort of.

Everyone was hungry and tired, so we just gave up.

We got tacos!!

When we went home, I was so glad to see my mom.

I get homesick so fast.

When I was in Kansas without my mom, I would scream my head off (obviously I was younger).


Bye guys!

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(New month: New emoji)

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