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"You can stay with me."

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion and just shrugged. Jennie began to walk towards the lighter end of the ally and I just followed silently.
"Lisa...." I just hummed,

"I umm.... I can't leave him."

She stopped, I saw her shaking and got closer.

"Why?" I asked gently,

"He....he knows too much."
I was extremely confused by this mysterious girl's answer,

"Too much of what?"

Jennie let out a long sigh,

"I... I'll tell you when I'm ready."

We continued for what seemed like an hour, we rounded a corner into the nicest neighborhood I've ever seen. Was she rich, and if so what was she doing with a tool like him?

"Here we are."

She took my hand as we entered the mansion,


A mans voice was heard from the living room,
I heard Jennie whisper,
"Come here Jennie!"
I looked at Jennie,
"Should I go?"
She shakes her head no. We walked down a long hallway that lead into an open space, her father was sitting in a large chair.
"Who's this?"
"This is Lisa... she's my umm.."
I budded in,
"I'm her tutor!"
Her fathers frown turned into a smile,
"Finally Jennie! I'm proud of you for trying to improve those horrendous grades! Now don't mind me and get on to studying!"
Her father was so pleased he didn't even notice Jennie's swollen lips and battered clothes.
"Thanks..." Jennie mumbled as we ascend the steps. As we walked through her maze of a house we reached her room.
"I umm... I need to change. Could you wait out here for a moment."
"Of course. Were's the bathroom, I need to freshen up as well." Jennie pointed to the door at the end of the hallway, I bowed and headed to the bathroom,
"Don't you want fresh clothes too?"
Jennie asked confused,
"Umm if that's okay with you." She smiled, this is the first time I got to see her bright and gummy smile, it suited her.
"Of course it is. I owe you big time." She disappeared into her room and came out with the most expensive looking pjs I've ever seen.
"Wow thanks" I said as she handed me the silk pjs. I bowed once more a went to freshen up.

I exited the bathroom in the pjs that were a bit tight. I'm quite tall for my age and it didn't help Jennie was a tad shorter then me. I was still extremely thankful so I didn't say anything. I knocked on Jennie's door lightly,
"Jennie?" I heard some scrambling,
"Come in!" I entered her room and placed my clothes down in the corner neatly. I was shocked at the large room I was in. The king sized beg in the middle of the room and the flat screen across from it looked extremely expensive. Jennie was rolled up in a blanket at the foot of her bed. I sat next to her and let my head fall back on the bed. Before I could register my tired state I drifted off.

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