Chapter 25

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After takin Bright home to wash his ass we went to the stash spot so I could put some money up. I didn't keep all my money there but I kept a nice chunk of change there just in case I may need more than what I keep at home. Walking in I disarmed the alarm before letting the others through, Adonis walked through looking around like he never been there before when he was the one who bought the spot.

"Whatchu looking for?"

I asked Adonis who ignored me as he felt along the wall, it looked like he was searching for something. Feeling around he let his finger tips lead the way as they searched out and found what he was looking for as he stopped right above the fire place. Reaching into the fire place he must've pushed something as a loose brick popped out from it. He pushed the right side of the brick in then the left side, then he tapped the middle three times before the brick stuck more out. He twisted it twice to the left and once to the right before the wall slid open exposing a room we didn't even know was there. Walking in was like walking in to a gun shop. All the different guns lined the top part of the walls and the bottom had built in cubbies holding bullets, extra clips and shit.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked looking around.

"My playroom I'm surprised y'all haven't found this shit." He answered with a smirk.

"Brah if I would've known this I wouldn't have been buying guns else where." I said  shaking my head stepping more in the room.

Looking around I seen guns I only seen on google like the Kriss I picked off the wall. Studying the gun I looked at it from side to side bouncing it in my hands feeling the weight of it before I put it back grabbing an ACR doing the same with it before putting it back. Looking around some more I seen he had all kinds of guns, from MP5 all the way to Winchesters.

"I thought you would like these toys" Adonis said proudly.

"Where the fuck did you get all of these?" I asked picking up a Rugar.

"Brah member before I got locked up that big ass raid at that warehouse. That was my mans he the one I got all of these from. I was just there earlier that day."

"Damn you talking about the one where they had the shootout?" Bright asked

"Yea niggas would rather die than to go to a cage like an animal. If shit would've went down different wit me I would've done the same."

"I hear that" Bright added looking through the cubbies. Ahmad nodding agreeing.

"Alright get out y'all seen enough" Adonis said pushing is out as we fake fought to stay in.

Walking out laughing I shook my head again. This whole damn time all this shit was here. If anybody was to ever get in here they would hit the damn jackpot. Let me hurry up and get the fuck up out of her I thought as  I went about my business putting my money up. I was done in 15 minutes, the whole time I was thinking how the fuck did Adonis get out? He never did tell me how. Now I was wondering with secret rooms popping out, what else he had going on that was a secret.

"On some real shit tho AD how you out?" I asked, I knew for a fact he didn't take the rat path so I really was tryna figure out how.

"See that's the thing, one day a lawyer showed up said he was looking into my case, next thing I know he shows back up telling me I get to go home. At first I was like fuck outta here this my second time seeing you we didn't talk to each other or about the case nothing but then a couple days later I got called to court and the judge told me I was free and here I am. Dismissed all charges. I haven't seen him since. Shit happen so fast I don't have a chance to call nobody."

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