Chapter 8

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Ayana been quiet since she asked me that dumb ass shit, I didn't want her to think I was judging her. I knew it wasn't her fault she's materialistic. She been brain washed by that nigga since she was a kid. There's no telling what he filled her head with. Not wanting to nag her I left her be until we pulled up to the mall.

"You good?" I asked looking over at her.

"Yea." She said not bothering to look at me. I know damn well she wasn't mad about being at the mall.

"You sure? Cause you giving me the vibe that you ain't" I said

"I am" she paused then looked at me before turning forward, like she was trying to pick the right words.

"I just don't want nobody seeing me in the mall" she said dipping down in her seat.

"Why tho? You need clothes or not?" I asked confused as fuck.

"Can we go to the outlet? I don't want nothing out of here" she said scanning the parking lot.

That made me laugh a deep laugh, I could tell she was spoiled spoiled but I wasn't with that, plus I didn't know her like that to spend that kind of money on her. I was already going way out of my way as it is. This ain't Burger King, she don't get to have it her way.

"Well it's this or nothing. Beside I want them new foams and I'm not riding all the way to the outlet for them." I said hopping out.

Not caring that she was sitting there looking like the mall was some kind of bug that was about to get on her. Opening her door I pulled her out, making her stand as I closed and locked the doors. I'm starting to think she like it when I do that. She just stood there looking around like she didn't know why she was there.

"You cannot be serious. It's a mall you acting like we at the goodwill or something. Let's go" I said. 

Extending my hand out, she looked at it. After a couple of minutes of us just looking at each other me with my eyebrow raised. Was she really not going to go in this mall? She finally took my hand as we walked into the mall, looking real couplely. As soon as we stepped foot inside the mall she stopped and looked around like she haven't been there before.

Pulling her along like she was my kid we went into a few stores that she didn't get anything out of. Instead she looked around uninterested, but after the forth store she started picking little stuff here and there like shirts and other girl shit females buy.
Once we started going into stores like Macy she got more stuff. Especially when we went into the Levi store, she was actually acting like a teenager instead of some stuck up beauty queen,smiling and enjoying herself. Having random conversations with me and all, this was the most talkative shes been since meeting her. After two hours of non stop shopping we stopped at the food court to grab something to eat, I knew she had to be hungry with her skipping breakfast. After getting our food we sat down. The mall wasn't all that packed so we was able to get a table.

"You know this was fun. I didn't think I would be able to find anything I liked in here and you spent way less then I usually do. I should've came here years ago. I could've saved a lot of money." She said cracking a real smile for the first time that day. Making her dimples dig deep into her cheeks. She had a beautiful smile, I was stuck just looking at her for moment before snapping myself out of it. She didn't notice since she was putting hot sauce and ketchup on her cheese fries.

"Glad you like it cause fucking with me we'll be here more often then not. I am a sneaker head. I don't go out to the outlet unless I'm tryna get something exclusive." I said biting into my burger.

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