{6} His Messages

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Amira Sarker

What the heck? Is it really Damon? I didn't know his last name, but it could be him. If it is, then how did he even get my email to begin with? I never gave it to him. After moments of thought, I replied.

Me: Who are u? And how did u get my email?

It couldn't really be Damon. It just couldn't. It didn't make sense. No boy had ever, and I mean ever, gotten any of my personal social media accounts. I'd always turn them down or never even answer.

Damon: It's me. Damon from school. Ya know? We're partners for history. And I saw u type in ur email in science.

So it is him. Why would a guy like him be talking to me through chat?

Me: Stalker much?

Damon: XD well yeah. I mean this way I can annoy u when ur at home 2.

That made me smile before mentally hitting myself. What was wrong with me? Talking to the opposite gender in such a playful manner is haraam (forbidden), yet I feel so tempted to. Shaytan (satan) makes the forbidden seem attractive when it really wasn't. Allah told us to stay away from these things, so why am I going to do it? Why should I go against my Lord and His commandments?

I really did want to talk to Damon though. I guess I felt something for him. No. Stop. This isn't right.

Damon: What r u doing?

Maybe if I keep the conversation from getting playful, it wouldn't be so bad.

Me: Doing my homework.

Damon: Ur such a nerd dude. Live a little.

I snickered. I had the perfect comeback for that one.

Me: Oh yeah, I should totally forget about my future and become a delinquent with no future -_-

Damon: Ur still a mega nerd.

Me: I would rather be a nerd than a dumb bimbo duhh.

Damon: U make a compelling argument.

Me: Don't I always?

Damon: I wouldn't go that far, genius.

Me: Thanks for the compliment.

Damon: U always seem to trap me like this, don't you?

Me: I wouldn't be Amira if I didn't.

Damon: Guess ur right.

My heart rapidly thumped against my chest and I had no idea why. Here I was, ignoring my assignments and to-do-lists simply because I was too distracted by a boy and his messages, one that insulted me too nonetheless. Honestly, what is wrong with me?

Me: Oh my. The great Damon I-don't-know-ur-last-name admitted defeat. Shocker.

Damon: My last name is Winters. My email username kinda gave that fact away.

Me: Well, how was I suppose to know that?

Damon: It's called using ur brain, idiot.

Me: I am not an idiot! How dare u?!

Damon: I dared myself.

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