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I began to slow my pace as Marcus matched my steps before stopping completely and looking at me.
"Babe?" He pressed, confused.
"Marcus I'm nervous."
"Mi, he's coming out of comatose you don't need to entertain him. Honestly having your good energy will help." Marcus assured, running his hands up my arms.
"He probably doesn't wanna see me." I continue. Trying to find away to let him let me leave, because my stomach has been doing trapeze tricks from the moment we pulled into the hospital parking lot.
"Babe, he does, I've been telling him about you since you came."
"I can't believe I never met him..."
" I don't put temporary people in his life. I only put people i care about in it." Marcus explained, pulling us to the side of the hallway.
"Okay." Was all I said, swallowing my fear.
"Okay." He smiled widely, his hand finding mine and giving it a squeeze.
We walked to the room and pushed the door open completely, seeing a tall blonde woman walk over to Marcus quickly and engulf him in a hug.
"I was so scared." She confesses, sobbing into his shoulder. I stayed a few steps back, still in the entry way just watching silently.
"We all were." He assures, pulling away and reaching his hand back for me to come forward. And I did.
I grabbed his hand and positioned myself beside him as the girl in the room looked between us.
"Marielle, this is Naomi, she's a friend of mine." Marcus introduced me, and I stuck my hand out to meet hers.
"Right, Naomi, Marielle." She shook it seemingly reluctantly.
"Nice to meet you." I whispered out of nerves and stepped back, a little behind Marcus now.
They stayed in conversation as I looked over at AJ, who was eyes open looking at the ceiling.
This morning Marcus received a text from AJ's girlfriend that he was awake, and making small recoveries.
Marcus told me that he was so relieved and I told him I prayed for it and he thanked me for being supportive.
But when they said small recoveries they meant he was awake, had eye movement, and small hand movement which would take almost all of his energy- I just didn't expect this...
He looked out of it, which I'm sure he was- but it was heartbreaking.
To know there was a person in there that I have yet to meet that can't come out of it yet.
I unconsciously was stood at the end of his bed. I don't remember moving closer to him but there I was at the end of his bed where he lay motionless.
I just watched his face, his eyes shifting quickly as he tried to see who I was.
I made my way around the bed and grabbed his hand in mind, feeling connected with him.
"Hi, Aj, I'm Naomi." I whispered, leaning forward to have us looking face to face. He was staring at me, non responsive but I continued.
"I know you don't know me but it's a pleasure to meet you, and as soon as you make a full recovery you're invited for a meal on the house at my restaurant. It's nothing worth dying over, so no more scares." I teased, trying to lighten the over hanging gloom. The side of his mouth upturned slightly and my heart skipped a beat.
"I'll take that as a yes." I giggled leaning down. "I'll make sure Marcus isn't the cook, you're welcome." I winked and the smirk widened before his face relaxed.
"Damn, don't wear yourself out." Marcus was behind me now, sitting on the edge of the bed, squeezing the top of his shoulder.
I stepped back going to give him some space but Marcus' hand reached out for mine quickly and he pulled me back.
"So, lil Man, this is the Naomi I been so hung up on. I can say this now because by the time you fully recover you won't even remember." Marcus joked and Aj rolled his eyes playfully and we all laughed.
"Even like this he's got that attitude."
"Of course he does." Marcus smacked his lips, standing up.
"I'm gonna go talk to his doctors, okay I'll be back." Beginning to walk out of the room.
"Babe." I grabbed his arm, not wanting to be left alone.
"I need to go talk to them, Mi, wait here." He pressured and I nodded obediently.
He left the room and I near the door, looking in AJ's direction.
"So." Marielle began, and I swallowed hard. "You're seeing Marcus?"
"It's complicated." I admit, uncomfortably.
"Mm, and this is your first time meeting Aj?"
"Yeah, he never told me he had a brother." I explain and her eyes get wide.
"He said he didn't want to put anyone temporary in AJ's life." I defend Marcus and she softens. "He said most people don't deserve to know him."
She smiled lightly, looking at Aj.
"Well, if Aj could talk he would tell you the same thing-" she began, stopping briefly, "Marcus takes loving people serious, and he will stop at nothing if he means keeping the person he loves in his life. You won't find anyone else to take care or love you quite like him. We know that first hand, it's almost problematic how much he cares. Be careful, with him."


Kehlani stood in the kitchen on the phone with I think our mom.
"Yeah, she's here now, she'll call you later. But I'm gonna go, talk to you later, love you!" Kehlani hung up and turned to me.
"What's going on? Are you good?"
"Yeah I was just with Marcus."
"Yeah, but like you left at like 3AM? Is he all good?"
"Yeah, Keh, we just needed to talk." I brushed it off, trying to get into the kitchen to grab a drink.
"Mom told me something." She was sounding more frazzled by the moment.
"What did she tell you?" I pressed, pulling out the sweet tea and grabbing a glass and metal straw and pouring myself a drink.
"Chase was found beat up in the alley this morning." She blurted. "Nearly beaten to death."
"What? Chase as in-"
"Yes, Chase as in." She clarified and I set my cup down going to engulf her in a hug.
"Mi is there something you have to tell me?" She urged, and I pulled back noticing she wasn't holding me back.
"Is there something you have to tell me?" She repeated and I shook my head confused.
"No, Lani, I have nothing to do with it but in the end it's for the better." I shrugged as if it was obvious.
"No, Naomi, it's not. I didn't ask you to do it."
"Kehlani you asked me to stop, so I did. I would never do something to hurt you especially when we talked about it."
Kehlani shook her head, not believing me.
"I know you had something to do with it." She pointed an accusatory finger in my face, ignoring my truths. "Was it the cholo?" She snarled her lip up angrily.
"Did you send Spooky to do this?"
"No? I haven't talked to him in like weeks." I confessed entirely.
I could see her not believing me as we stood in damning silence. 
She walked towards the door way of the kitchen seeing her turn slightly to look at me over her shoulder.
"I promise, I find out you had anything to do with it, I will never- never, talk to you again." She threatened pointing as accusatory finger at me and I nodded slightly not sure of how to respond.
She left the room, slowly walking away from me.
Leaving me with an empty pit in my stomach. 

Lo Recuerdo Todo (Oscar Diaz/ OMB)Where stories live. Discover now