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I tiptoed over beer bottles, solo cup, and crumbs. Dancing around the obstacles holding my bags off the floor, as to not ruin any of my luggage.
I pinched the door handle of my guest bedroom with the tips of my fingers and pushed it open, hoping to not contract any diseases.
Luckily for me, the bedroom was untouched, and in immaculate condition- just as I hoped. I set my bags at the foot of my bed and immediately went into my guest bathroom washing my hands before putting my hair up.
I slid on my house shoes and went to the living room to connect to the Bluetooth speakers before diving into my first task.
Scrubbed and disinfected every hard surface, shampooed the carpeting, and took out 2 garbage bags worth of- well- garbage.
After my 4 hour long playlist finished playing through for the 2nd time I pulled the plug from the sink and drained my now black water and pushed the hairs that fell from my bun off my forehead with my forearm.
I leaned over the sink with a huff, rolling my neck out, and taking a break.
After a few moments of nothing, the front door swung open and I could hear multiple sets of footsteps as one song ended and another began.
I walked into the opening that connected the living room to the kitchen as they all stopped in there tracks.
Jamal, Monse, Cesar, and Ruby stood in shock as I grabbed my phone off the table and paused my playlist.
"Welcome home, Jamal." I folded my arms across my chest, arching a brow.
"Naomi, I didn't know you were coming to Freeridge..." Jamal became flustered, visibly.
"I can tell, I've spent that last 8 hours cleaning this house." I tried to keep myself from slapping him. His parents have been gone for less than 48 hours and I'm sure it took him no time to trash it completely.
"It looks wonderful, love what you've done with the place!" His silly attitude broke my annoyance and I smiled, dropping my arms to my sides for a moment.
"Give me a hug wit ch'your goofy ass." I held my arms wide as he rolled his eyes walking into my arms and giving me a quick hug. "Yes, all of you too!" I insisted, as they all jogged over and gave me a hug too. "You're all getting so big." I squeezed onto them tighter before letting go.
"So are you..." Ruby ogled in the sight of me, showing more skin than anything at this moment.
"So charming, Ruby, I'm serious..." I rolled my eyes. "So, it's my first- and last night before busting my ass in the restaurant all summer, so where's the party at?" I folded my arms across my chest seeing them all smile at one another and nod.


I Like It by Cardi B played from the speakers as Monse and I shredded the dance floor.
Cesar joined us, beginning a circle while handing me a joint. I rolled my eyes, accepting drugs from a minor and took a long hit seeing Jamal and Ruby walk our way.
I began to get a little nasty, getting back in my old groove, dirty dancing and feeling a little buzz as the kids made me feel young again. Like I wasn't a confused college student, getting ready to enter law school with no ambition...
"Go off, Naomi!" Monse encouraged my ratchet-ness as I put my hands on my knees and whipped my hair around.
I laughed, loving this very moment.
I knew this summer was going to be a lot of work but I can already tell it's going to be exactly what I needed before going back starting my first year of law school. My one last party before I buckle down and bury myself in my career.
"Shit..." Jamal cursed and I immediately straightened up, getting in mom mode- remembering I was responsible for him... and in a way- his friends.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked, becoming serious.
"Nothing, I just love this song!" He explained and I smacked my lips, grabbing the joint from between Cesar's lips and taking a long drag.
I Feel It Coming by The Weeknd came on and everyone started pairing off or leaving the dancefloor.
I rolled my eyes beginning to dance by myself, I looked to the side and saw Jamal jamming by himself and encouraged him to come back out. Instead he brushed it off, refusing to join me.
I marched over and grabbed Ruby's hands and pulled him onto the floor with me.
His eyes went wide and I put one of his hands on my hip and nodded, giving him permission to lead the way.
A small smirk played on his mouth as we danced, and sang along to each other giggling the whole time.
Before the breakdown I felt a tap on my shoulder and snapped out of it. I saw Ruby get visibly choked up and I let go, turning around.
"Ay, Hermosa, can I cut in?" They asked, sunglasses on at 9:46 pm with a surprisingly playful smirk on their face.
"The songs almost over." I shrug, slightly intimidated, and unsure.
"I put in a request, mami, whatchu say?" He asked, holding his hand out for mine as the last song ended and the first few beats of Me & U by Cassie came on. I couldn't help but smile, it had been one of my favorite songs for as long as I can remember...
"I say, yes." I grabbed his hand leading him out into the dance floor and began to dance with him.
My traditional salsa was rusty- I don't do much of partners dancing in the clubs... but it felt so fluid with him.
Our bodies were like magnets, and constantly in sync. He pulled away, as I spun out and under before coiling back into him, now front to back. I pulled my hair to the other side as he put his face in the crook of my neck. I smiled as we stayed that way for a moment.
"Even if you don't, princesa, I remember..." he smiled into my shoulder where his lips were. I slowed the pace, trying to figure out what that meant. He moved his lips to my neck now, opening his mouth as he spoke into my warm skin. "lo recuerdo todo..." He whispered, grazing his teeth along the sensitive skin at the base of my neck before standing up straight and bringing us back to position one.
Face to face.
I searched his face for something specific, but I couldn't find it. I reached up carefully pulling his glasses from his face and my eyes went wide for a moment.
Those beautiful eyes...
"Don't strain yourself, Mi, it's Oscar." He finally caved and told me.
It couldn't be.
I opened my mouth to speak but the only thing that was heard were gun shots.
"Come on!" Jamal yelled grabbing my arm and yanking me away from Oscar. We sprinted off the property and the remaining way home as I clutched Oscar glasses in my hand.

Lo Recuerdo Todo (Oscar Diaz/ OMB)Where stories live. Discover now