Misled Thoughts

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I was sitting in the hospital waiting room again, but this time with my brother. I felt a hand rest on my knee and looked up to see Ashton looking down at me with sympathy in my eyes.

"Hey Abs, how about we get out of this place. I bet it would do both of us some good. And I'm pretty sure mum would love to burst into tears without us here." he chuckled lightly at the last part because we both knew how strong our mum tried to act around us, but totally failed.

"I don't know Ashton, what if something happens? I don't want to not be here for everybody if he di-"

He cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth. "Shhhh. No no no! We don't need no talk about that right now." He shushed me placing a finger on my lips.

"i'm sorry...I guess it's just kind of hard to think good things when everything is just so fucked up right now."

"Hey Abs. Let's go, I know you and your crazy always nice self wanting to be here for everyone, but you need a break. You need somebody to be there for you sometimes."

"I'm glad that's you bro." I smirked and tossed my arm over his shoulder as we stood up and walked out into the hallway.

"Abi you need to know I will always be here for you okay?" Ashton said as he rested his head onto top of mine in a nice hug, that I really needed. He placed his hand in my hair for a minute and then leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You have an admirer little one." he laughed and pulled back, "Why don't you say hey and meet me out front in a minute, i'll get my car."

"What?" It tried to ask what he could have been talking about but he had already walked away giving the signature smirk that we both shared.

I turned back around laughing at his stupidness, but stopped when I saw none other than Jack walking over to me with a slightly fake smile on his face.

"Hey Abi."

"Hey, what's up." His voiced sounded tight and almost forced.

"Oh nothing much just hanging around. How about you? I see you were with a friend."

"Oh yeah that was my brother Ashton. He was just going to get the car." I noticed his face relax. A bigger more real smile spread its way across his face.

I had decided to leave out the part about my little meltdown.

"Ahh he seems nice. Well we really need to stop meeting here! Why don't we go and grab a coffee sometime? My treat."

"I'd love that! Well I better get going." I said this as I heard my brother honk the horn signalling that he wants to leave. I saw him roll down the passenger side window and quickly rushed over before he could say anything embarrassing.

"Bye Abi!"

"Bye Jack!" I shouted over my shoulder with a quick wave and a smile.

I let out a breath and placed my hands my the air went letting the warm air bring them back to life.

"So who's your boy toy?" Ashton asked, the smirk evident in his tone,

"Ashton!" I yelped looking over at him, "He is not my 'boy toy' !"

"Yeah yeah. Now let's go get some grub, I am starving!" he rubbed his hands together before grasping the wheel.

We sped off in the direction of McDonalds and I smiled at my bother's childish ways.


"You know," Ashton started, "That kid that you met with today seemed kinda hipster for my liking."

"First of all don't talk with your mouth full of food, it is disgusting! And second, what is with you and finding something wrong with every guy I talk to!"

"All I want is the perfect little man for my baby sis! I'm sorry if I just get protective of you sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I smirked at him.

"Okay all the time...But can you blame me! I mean there are some pretty wild boys here in America." I giggled at his comment on American boys.

"I know, I know. And thank you for being the best brother in the world."

"Anytime munchkin." I glared at his use of the word munchkin.

"Okay nope! I take everything back! I am short but I am not a freaking munchkin!"

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I huffed a piece that fell into my face away before sitting back and crossing my arms over my chest in defeat.

"Hey come on little one you know I love you!" He leaned over the table and plopped a wet kiss on my cheek.

"Eww you are gross..." I wiped the slobber off of my face and wiped in back onto his sleeve.

He just laughed before gathering up our trash and placing it is the bin.

"Let's head back home. Mum is probably back by now."

"Yeah we don't want her worried." I replied.


"Hey mum, hello everyone else!" I called to all of the people currently in my living room.

I received a chorus of hi's, hello's, and hey's back.

"Let's go play some FIFA little one!" Ashton called to me already rushing up the stairs.

"I am going to beat your ass so hard!" I called up to him.

"Abigail! Language!"

"Sorry mum..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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