What Just Happend?

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About an hour earlier...


"Abigail! Wake up!" I was suddenly being shaken awake by my mum who seemed calm, but strangely urgent to get somewhere.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"Daddy has had a heart attack and you need to get up and get dressed so we can go and make sure he's alright." She answered my question in a very hurried manor as she walked out of my room and down the hall.

I waited until I hear the last thump from her feet walking down the stairs to break my smile that I had plastered on my face. I felt a gust of panic overcome me and started to sweat. I ran my fingers through my silky blonde hair as I stood up and paced back in forth across my bedroom floor. I stopped abruptly realizing that this was in fact happening to me. Me! Abigail Taylor Wilson the social butterfly who's passion was all things dance and photography.

'Wow on top of everything that I have had to deal with in the hell hole of a life that I have this has to go and happen! Great...' I thought to my self.

I quickly grabbed my blue jumper and red skinny jeans while pulling on my white toms. I spotted a pile a hair bands on my dresses so I grabbed one, pulled my hair into a bun and put on my cute but nerdy looking glasses.

Oh my god. It just kicked it. What did my mom just say?!


Back to present time...


I slowly got out of the car squinting as my easy adjusted to the morning light. I hadn't realized that that sun had come out; I could have sworn it was still dark. My mum pulled away from the curb to park leaving me there, just standing there like I had just been dropped off in the desert when I was told I was going to a friends house. I sat myself down with a sigh as I leaned back against the stone wall. It was almost like my brain was moving at the speed of light with new thoughts and wonders popping up out of nowhere.

'I wonder why he had a heart attack? Did my mom tell me the entire story? Is she hiding something? Is he awake? If not...will he ever wake up again?'

I took my head in between my hands and wiped my face off. I didn't really think I that I was accomplishing anything by this, like I was wiping away all of my problems, but I did anyway trying to calm my rushing thoughts.

I was all the sudden snapped from my thoughts when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a boy about my age looking down at me with a worried look on his face. He mouthed something and I looked at him wondering why he wasn't talking when I realized I still had my earbuds in. He smirked and his ice blue eyes sparkled in the morning sun. I pulled the out quickly shooting him a quick "sorry.." I blushed as he laughed a soft and comforting laugh.

"I said are you okay?" He questioned while pushing a loose piece of light brown hair that had fallen into his face back up onto it head.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess. Just had a pretty rude awakening this morning."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Oh it's fine. I won't bore you with my life story. You probably have anything better todo then listen to me whine about my sad life."

"I've got nothin' to do." He responded so casually while propping his head in his hands and sticking his feet out in front of him crossing his legs at the ankles.

Now it was my turn to laugh. This boy was sure being persistent in wanting to see what is wrong with me.

I was just about to respond when my mum walked up to us saying that we had to go inside. Not even noticing the boy next to me, she gestured for me to hurry inside. I turned around to wave goodbye, but the boy was gone. Weird?


As we stepped out of the elevator I now started to pay attention to where we were going. I glanced up to see a deep red sign with white letters spelling out ICU. ICU? Wait I have watched enough hospital shows to know what is down there. This could not be happening...

Sure enough it was. As we wound our way down a seemingly endless stretch of hallway we were greeted by a sympathetic looking nurse who held out her hand to my mom. I didn't really want to hear anything that they we're say so I put my earbuds back in realizing I had never shut off the music. The song 'Once When I Was Little' by James Morrison came on. Crap. This song always makes me cry. I hit the skip button and some random rock hit by Michael Jackson came on. Now satisfied with my song choice I looked back up to see my mother sitting down in a waiting room right next to us with my uncle and grandfather, from my mother's side of the family sitting with her. They had apparently gotten there only minutes before we had. My mom looked up at me with her usual worried half smile and half open eyes that she thought made herself seem stronger and more calm, but in fact it did the opposite. Sadly I had to turn my mental distraction off to see what she head to say.

"Are you ready to go see him?" She asked with eyes that I knew had cried at least once this morning before I woke.

"Umm... Yeah..." I replied hesitantly.

"Well. Let's go." She said standing up to swipe the card that I assume the nurse who she had been talking to earlier had giving her. Two big doors opened in front of us.

We walked through and my mom pushed a small lever the dispensed hand sanitizer and rubbed it into her shaking hands. I did the same not noticing until now how shaky and pale I was.

As I turned the corner and walked into one of many rooms and let out a sharp gasp of breath. I dropped the contents of my hands onto the floor not caring if my phone was broken at the moment. What I saw I could have never prepared myself for.

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