Too Early to be Awake

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I woke up to the sound of my dog's nails clawing down the side of her kennel and soft whimpers comings from her small snout. I grumbled against my pillow and rolled over to face in the direction of my not so wanted wake up call. She saw me and about to start barking at me to let her out or in other words saying, I have to go! I luckily jumped out of bed just in time to silence her. I first closed my bedroom door so she wouldn't go roaming around the house. Only in a matter of seconds did she bolt out of the cage after I pulled up and over on the small metal bar holding her captive. She was clearly in a hyper mood, but I sure was not. I felt a wave of grief overcome me as I remembered the past few days events. It has been about a week since my dad was admitted into the hospital, but it feels like eternity since I've heard his deep laugh or felt a warm embrace of his. In the past week my dad's stepmum, dad, brother and sister in law have all come to stay with us along with my mum's parents and her brother. Oh and we can't forget me older brother Ashton. He had missed coming to the hospital because of some senior test thing. You could definitely say the house is crowded. We don't have a very small or big house, just a two floor with no basement, the perfect size for our family of four.

I do know that our family is here just to support us, but I want them all to just leave! Is that so much to ask for? It frustrates me that even when I lock my bedroom door and tell everyone to leave me alone to listen to sappy music and stare at the ceiling, their loud chats of meaningless talk seep through my floor. Curse my parents for putting our family room right below my bedroom.

I looked up at the bright neon blue glow of the numbers on my alarm clock and read 2:37 am. Groaning in response to the realization that it was one way too early for me too be awake and two that I knew I would never be able to get back to sleep.


"The entire ordeal is just maddening really! I don't quite understand how any of this is really happening." I said to one of my best friends Alex.

Alex and my other best friend Sam have been my friends ever since Sam stole my Jelly Babies at lunch in Primary School. Which resulted In Alex hitting Sam with the back of her hand.

"I know honey. So how's it going with the other family members? Sam told me you have a full house!" Alex's voice blared through the speaker on my laptop.

"Yeah, you can definitely say that we do. Hey you wanna meet up for some coffee? I really need to get out of this madhouse!" I asked waving my hand in the air like a crazy person.

"Sure! I'll get Sam and we'll meet you at Joe's. Luv ya bye!" She blurted out before ending the call.

I chuckled at her and thought about the serious help that she needed.

"God... I love you dad." I whispered to a picture of a my father and me as a little bleach blonde haired girl wearing a ballerina dress at my first grade recital. My index finger and thumb rubbed against the sides of my dad's St. Jude Thaddeus necklace that I found on his dresser that he used to wear everyday. No! Don't think like that Abi. He's not de-...gone. He's just really sick, and he will get better. I hope...


The heels of my white vans clicked against the icy pavement as my blonde curls whipped in the bitter cold wind. I huddled my arms together in my UCL sweatshirt and toke a moment to hide behind a brick wall of the old bookstore to shelter myself from the winter weather. I looked down and saw a leaf plastered to the side of my red roll up jeans and peeled it off with a disgusted look gluing itself to my face. I pushed the fallen strap of my JackWills backpack on top of my scrawny shoulders and stepped back onto the sidewalk. I hadn't been eating much ever since my dad was, well, you know. I just haven't really taken the time to eat, and I know, you can say all you want about health and biology crap but all I really care about right now is that my dad can be home. And fast!

I approached the peeling red painted sign with matching white lettering spelling out JOE'S JAVA. I spotted Sam standing in the corner of the restaurant trying to pick up girls, but all he got was a few disgusted looks and pitiful laughs. Alex sat at the table beside him, shaking her head into her palms trying to pretend as if her twin brother was normal. I probably had forgotten to mention that they were siblings, or twins for this matter. I opened the door and the oh so familiar spell of freshly ground coffee beans and the tinkling of the bell on the doorframe comforted me. All of the little things and normalizes seem to be all that I really want and need right now. No drama. No problem.

I sat down at the table across from Alex and her head shot up as my chair scooted against the floor.

"Finally! You're here to save me!!" She shouted, a bit too loud for a coffee shop but she didn't seem to care.

Eyes wide and hands in her straight blonde hair she looked at me and pleaded that I stopped Sam from mentally and hopefully nope physically harming any more innocent girls.

"Okay fine. I will stop him, but only because you guys are going to take me somewhere today!" I replied. "Now just wait one moment please. I walked over to where Sam was standing with his back to me and gave the girls who noticed me an apologetic glance, before sipping Sam around on his heels with my small hand firm on his shoulder.

"Hey what was tha-" he began before seeing that it was only me that had ripped away his chance at a 'future Mrs. Parker' and a wide grin instantly appeared on his face. "Oh, hey Abs! How's it going?"

"Good, but what have I told you about scaring innocent girls!" I spoke as the girls scurried away and out of the store in fear of Sam hitting on them, again.

"Ugh... Fine mum..."

"Eww no! Don't call me mum. That is just weird..." I said totally horrified just thinking of having these crazy kids as my children.

He laughed and grasped my hand in his to lead me back to the table. With him beside me and Alex across from us, our usual seating arrangements, we started to chat about where we could go today.

"Maybe we can go to the old bookstore down the street. I already finished the last one, okay twelve, I bought last week!" I pleaded making my signature pouty face that no one, no one can say no to!

"I'm done with that." Sam and Alex said at the same time.

"You guys really do creep me out some times." I stated as they laughed at me being uncomfortable like I always am when their so called twin telepathy come out.

We set some bills on the leather folder on our table and left to get to the book store in time before it closed.

Once we reached the store I eagerly stepped inside tubbing my hands together desperate for warmth. All of the sudden everything went dark?

"Ugh! What is that!" I yelped in surprise.

I heard Sam and Alex laugh as I pulled Sam's dark red beanie down to the back of my head.

"What was that for." I pouted.

"Awe. Just want to see if it looks good on you. It does by the way..." He blushed noticing the awkwardness tuck in the air.

"Abi?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

I turned around only to be greeted by falling to the floor after tripping over chair leg.

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