Episode 3 - Rawr To The xD

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Second day and I already feel hated, ah this feels wonderful. Note that sarcasm I was using.

I got up from my bed, rubbing my eyes. I looked over to my roommate, who I would assume was writing in her damn book, the book from yesterday if you remember. 

«Morning Pinky.»

No reply. I nodded to myself, before heading out of the dorm. I let out a sigh once I was outside and soon enough my stomach growled, possibly replying to that sigh. I started heading to where I would assume the great hall*- uhh cafeteria, I mean. 

The room where you eat with other students, a cafeteria, not the great hall... I really got to get used to that.

On my way to where I would assume the cafeteria would be at, I got yelled at, but an odd but husky voice?

«Heyo new girl!»

I turned around, my stomach continues to growl. Just there, right in front of me, stood a male with a dark fringe, I think that's what it's called. He had almost a tired but annoyed expression plastered to his face

«How may I help you?»

Now, he looked almost as if he had woken right up and had a big smile on his 

«Name is Chandler. Bridgette Howard told me you guys share the same Biology class. She wanted to check if you wanted to become a Goth. We are very welcoming, but some people just stereotype us to be very... stone cold and dead inside when really Joseph is the only one who acts like the stereotypical Emo guy would.»

I nodded, not really knowing to say anything or to let him speak. 

Who's Joseph? And was that chick who laughed at me named Bridgette? Thought she would be named Raven, like most other Gothic girls...

«So, Kingham, want to meet the Goths and share some deep poetry with us? Just kidding, but you wanna meet the others? They are in the cafeteria, which is where I'm guessing you are heading, due to your stomach growling.»

Not knowing what to do or how to react, I just stared at him. I bet there wasn't any real emotion in my eyes showing. 

I sound just like an emo, oh my god...

Soon enough, I nodded, gesturing him to show me to where his group of friends were. And so he led me to the cafeteria, where a few students were, all looking different from top to bottom. Chandler led me to a table, where the dark-haired group sat.

«You got a girlfriend, Chandler? I thought you were gay...?»  

Chandler let out a small laugh at the comment made by a chick who just screamed 'I am a punk and I will not follow your rules, mum!'. I sat down at the table, looking around with no particular thoughts running through my mind at the time.

One of the students at the table had asked for my name, which I just muttered 'Kingham' at. I honestly felt very uncomfortable under the stares of these people.

«For your info, Joe, I am a proud Pansexual of the 21st century.»  

I started fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, just dragging it up and down, off the table. The very punk one seemed to notice.

«You alright, Kingham? You look like you're about to shit yourself.»  

I let out a light at the comment she made. I shrugged in response, looking around the room.

«I am alright, just a bit hungry and tired, ya know. And a bit frustrated, because my roommate is ignoring me, ever since some stuff yesterday.»

She nodded in an understandingly matter, a small smile on her face. She leaned her chest against the table.

«My roommate threatened to burn my Panic albums. Panic as in Panic at the disco, by the way.»  

I nodded, trying to seem interested in the story she was about to tell. She started talking all about how her mother thought she was a Satanist, while her father was really proud of her for liking AC/DC.

«Name is Peggy. The most likely to commit murder here, after Joseph.»

«Name is Helanie. My old friends said I was the most likely to spit some very good bars if I were was rapping.»

«I've noticed your stares around the room. Do you want me to give you a small guide of all the cliques?»  

I nodded, a small smile visible on my face. She pointed to the table the farthest away from here.

«You see those people at the table the farthest away? They are the skaters, bunch of assholes who only want a good fuck before they get a real job than act like a Tony Hawk wannabe. Their leader is Shawn Eilish, a perverted fuck with sexual fantasies about anyone he sees.»

Her hand was now pointing at the next table.

«Next table is where the animal lovers meet. They are pretty nice, especially their leader, Kurt Sanders. If you like animals or need advice about getting a puppy, just ask one of them and they'll help you right away.»

«Next on the list is the artists. They're alright unless you have beef with them. They are very artistic and show much interest in anything really. Next table is ours, which is where the greatest people you'll ever meet sits.»

I let out a laugh, resting my chin on my hand, listening to everything Peggy had to say.

«That is us if you didn't get it.»

«There are way more cliques here, I can show you around as I tell you all about the basic bitches of Bullworth Academy.»

I said a quick yes to the offer, not before grabbing a piece of bread and an apple. Peggy grabbed my arm and we took off towards the back of the school.


Great hall = Where students would eat breakfast and dinner at Hogwarts

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