[thirteen] ˘ ³˘

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it was six fifteen at night, the boy didn't have to work at the library due to requested time off from a personal event. his manager didn't have to know that it was his first date with hoseok, and he wanted to have the day off to relax and prepare for the art museum and dinner afterwards like they had promised each other months ago around the time they first met. jimin and yoongi chuckled as they helped fluff and curl the boy's hair for his date, he hadn't done his hair this way in a while and he quite missed the style, even though it took hours to perfect. the blinding sun had just begun to set into the earth, switching shifts with the glowing crater scattered moon. the dim atmosphere of yoongi's dorm room and rock music playing from his phone speaker increased taehyung's happiness. it didn't take long for him to get dressed in a nice brown and white half thick striped sweater with dark loose pants and a pair of oxford appearing shoes with a sprits of vanilla body spray to top everything off. his chestnut colored hair was curled and framed his face preciously. all his friends wished him good luck with finger hearts as hoseok held his hand, leading him to his car where many gentle kisses occurred and full tummies sat listening to the rumble of loud music as the windows rolled low letting in the night wind.

he smiled widely, watching his friends disappear into small beings, almost like dots in the rear view mirror. "you look beautiful, taehyung, i've never really seen you with curly hair, it's handsome and adorable at the same time" the man chuckles softly, glancing over at him swiftly before returning  his attention to the road. the older was dressed in identical black pants that were a bit tighter, a brown turtleneck sweater that was a shade of darker brown at the neck. and now surprisingly the man's shade was dyed a never before seen color— a deeper chestnut that was almost dark brown.

"your hair? oh no, you're not a peach anymore" he chuckles, "it's beautiful, you're beautiful. i love when you wear turtlenecks, so handsome" the drive wasn't very long, hoseok drove into the parking lot, parked and grabbed his boyfriends warm hand that was as soft as cotton. they gathered coffee first at the small area where people stopped to ponder the art that was on a higher floor, there was also a small food booth and a food truck outside where they predicted the co-workers usually ate during their break. the gallery and exhibits were so lovely and were kept by the hundreds maybe even thousands from lee bul and do-ho suh who were installation artist, jeongmoon choi who worked with light to create amazing art pieces that pleased the eye, and the artist yayoi kusama from japan who tackled neon patterns and was amazing in many different mediums such as sculpture, painting and even poetry. a lot of american classics were held at the art museum such as vincent van gogh whose backstory was always interesting to hear and jenny saville who painted a lot of different body types, and different forms of people with different sexualities and genders.

seeing such wonderful and creative art made taehyung regret not entering the art show at the university that was held months ago, luckily another one was coming soon and he already knew seokjin and hoseok would be pestering him to at least think about entering. he pointed in awe at the different installation pieces made by korean artist do-ho suh, and the contemporary art by jenny saville and lucian freud. he squeezed hoseok's hand, that didn't hold another container of coffee, whenever he saw something exciting. he'd pull the man towards it and squeal in amazement as he read the information about the piece. hoseok enjoy seeing taehyung so excited and happy, he definitely had a great time being dragged by his boyfriend to hundreds of different art sections, hearing the boy squeal, feeling the boy squeeze his hand was great and tender. hobs even snuck a few photos of the boy admiring the artwork, his brown eyes were in a trance as he tried to understand a piece before reading the information card.

"hobi, thank you so much for bringing us here. i've had so much fun!" he wraps his arms around his boyfriend shoulders, gently kissing the side of his feverishly warm neck. "i promised remember" the dark haired man chuckles, kissing the top of tae's head while hugging him firmly. they grabbed another cup of coffee before going out to dinner, a personal choice of taehyung's.

the atmosphere was the restaurant was modern, warm and smelled like delicious savory spice and towards the back, smelled like sugar and sweetness. they had dinner along with a glass of champagne as a token of their newly formed romantic relationship. throughout dinner they two played a soft game of footsie, told many different stories and casually talked about their families, hobs mentioned how excited his sister was to meet the other. all of tae's family wanted to fly from daegu to meet the boy their son and brother talked about so much for the past few months. one late night, tae's mother called him during his visit with hobi, resulting in a facetime call and excited smiles from both of them. tae had only seen his hoseok's family through photos he shared with him. dinner came and dessert went, their stomaches were full of delicious food. content smiles on both their faces. taehyung paid for dinner which hoseok didn't agree with but tae did as he wanted because he's an adult that wanted to keep his promise to treat hoseok to a nice dinner. they left hand—in—hand, swinging in the breeze as they walked back to hoseok's car. the nightly dew had kissed the outer shell of the car and the moon reflected on the hood.

"i had a great time tonight, hyungie. dinner was amazing and being at the museum with you was wonderful. honestly. i'm glad that i can officially call you my boyfriend, you're so cute and handsome and wise and—"

"hobi~" taehyung whines, pulling the man's pinchy fingers away from his face while blushing and giggling, "aish i'm so red, quit it"

a sweet gentle kiss upon the lips under the night sky that housed millions and millions of glowing twinkling almost magical stars, was romantic and made taehyung feel extremely euphoric. the roaring of hoseok's engine focused his mind as he dropped the happy boy over to seokjin and yoongi's shared campus apartment. the gentleman walked his sweetie to the door and waited for the rushed noise and chatter to come to a halt. the door knob wiggled and smiling jimin popped his head out. tae loved that his friend enjoyed hoseok so much, having a boyfriend that connected with his friends made everything so much better and smooth, the two entered the dorm apartment after exchanging hugs with jimin. jin was siting on the couch with a thick blanket covering his curved body, and yoongi sat positioned with his head on the man's lower thigh almost at his knee. everyone exchanged hello's, secret high-fives and bright smiles.

after a while, hoseok had to leave. of course his boyfriend walked him to the door and kissed his lips heavily with his fingers curled in the man's hair, hobs hands sat perfectly on the younger's small waist. "goodnight sweetie. sleep peacefully." he smooches the boy's kisses once again before getting into his vehicle and leaving the area. taehyung's ear almost exploded from the loud squealing, giggling and rapidly asked questions from his friends.

hoseok drove with a smile on his face, he wanted to go home, but first he needed to visit jeongguk who had gotten sick the following day. their apartment weren't too far apart in distance so it wouldn't take him long to get home after dropping in for a quick visit. the hallway leading to jeongguk's apartment door was quiet, even the inside of the boy's home was quiet, he knocked softly hoping not to wake anyone that was still awake. the sound of footsteps hurried to the front door and the door swiftly opened.


the guy was wearing a large sized hoodie and mid-thigh length black shorts, his eyes looked puffy as if he were asleep. "uh? hey, how's gukkie? i didn't know you knew jeongguk,,"

"oh, yeah, we met not too long ago, i was a tutor for him during his mid semester exams and we've been friends ever since, well, a bit more than friends actually" joon smiles, opening the door wider, "he's actually finally asleep, he's been coughing and sneezing all day. i—uh, i could tell him you came by once he wakes up, if you want?"

"okay, sure. thank you so much" he nods, turning to walk away before the boy speaks again, "good night hoseok, i heard you and tae tae's date went great, i'm glad" hoseok smiled politely, waving his hand with a widened smile. the man really liked the personality of namjoon and if him and jeongguk were friends— or more than friends, he was glad the man would definitely take care of the young boy without problem. he just didn't know much about jeongguk's life anymore, like he used to before college and high school ended when they hung out all the time, usually on his parents roof at the darkest of night when the owls hunted their prey.

he was a bit sad to be fading apart from his best friend since earlier teenage-hood.

have a great night guys !! quick question— would you guys be interested in a side story of jeongguk and namjoon's story?

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