[nine] ˘ ³˘

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"where are we going, hobi?" he mumbles, pushing himself closer to hoseok's side as the two walked along the street, towards an unknown location that was leading down an isolated length of cracked grey sidewalk towards the bright city lights not far from their co-ed university. the boy felt slightly safe near hoseok because of the man's slightly taller frame and lean muscular body and golden skin almost blending with the peachy orange color of his messy hair, the aspect of a surprise made him slightly anxious due to the atmosphere that were surrounded by at the moment— the darkness, faint starry sky, quiet street, the faint sound of crickets, bugs and small animals echoed against the empty appearing buildings towering over them on both sides. the sky was navy blue with small accents of dark grey from the clouds shifting around earth above, the street lights and lights from the city scared away the glowing angelic stars.

as they walked, taehyung's grip on the man's hand tightened when a sound of something echoed behind them, it was just an animal but taehyung's body still jerked, "it's okay, i got you sweetie" the man mumbled near the boy's ear, "you're safe with me, promise" he added, shifting his arm around the boy's shoulder, pushing him closer to his body, using his body as a shield so the younger boy wouldn't be afraid.

"there's a place downtown where my sister used to live before moving away, it's like an art studio, i think you'll like it, namjoon says you're a really artsy boy, i also want you to meet someone—"

the boy smiles softly, "is it a family member? oh gosh, it's not that i don't like meeting people, it's just that i get really nervous and awkward, seokie i'm not even dressed properly" he whines, bragging his feet slightly with his lips pouting, "you're so cute when you pout. trust me, i don't think there will be much talking tae tae" the man chuckles softly taking a key out of his pocket as they step up numerous stairs leading to a yellow small apartment building with flower pots at the entrance near the baby blue door. the boy watches as hoseok unlocks the door and opens it, revealing a seemingly quiet apartment with dim lighting. the wind from outside shook the wind chimes hanging on a hook from the above porch area.

the man whistles and the sounds of quick footsteps echoes through the studio, a happy little dog rushes over to hoseok. "hey mickey, hey buddy" the man beams with joy, picking up the small baby.

"taehyung, this is mickey"

"oh my god, i finally get to meet mickey, hi mickey!" he chuckles, rubbing behind the dog's ears, cutely puckering his lips repetitively near the puppy's cute face, small blue bows were attached to the long hair of the dog. the two eventually ended up sitting down on the available sofa near a collection of growing cacti plants and adorable toys for mickey. the man looked so sweet playing with his baby mickey, taehyung sat there, observing his surroundings before the cute dog jumped into his lap, immediately lying there. secretively the peach haired man took a few pictures of the two, he admired how nice and sweet tae was to his sweetheart, and how the boy didn't mind the little pooch siting in his lap. hoseok stands up, heading into the kitchen, "would you like some coffee taehyungie?"

"yeah, sure, thanks seokie"

the boy continued to caress the puppy's fur as he slowly drifted off to sleep beside the boy's thigh. he loves dogs and always missed his own animals back home that were at his parents house due to being away for college. he missed all his pets greatly. he slowly moves away from the dog and makes his way into the kitchen where many pictures were layered against the walls and numerous full packs of k-cups for the coffee machine were stacked next to the fridge. taehyung immediately fell in love with the house, it was extremely artsy and it made him feel at home, the boy glanced over at hoseok who was looking through cabinets trying to locate something.

"what are you looking for? maybe i can help?"

"i know how much you protest my gift-giving, but i made something for you"

the boy chuckles, "why must you spoil me so?" his voice came out more dramatically than usual causing hoseok to laugh.

"i must forewarn you that, i'm not very skilled with baking, i learned a lot from my mother but i will never be able to match her baking skills" he smiles widely, "close your eyes" the boy complies with a small giggle. hoseok quietly grasps the cake from the refrigerator and sits two mugs of coffee on either side of the cake. earlier when he left the studio to go to the library, one of his flat mates at the university told him that they were doing room checks at the suites and mickey needed to go, so he swiftly drove over, collected his sweet pooch and headed for the hills figuratively speaking— to his sisters old studio apartment where he'd come to relax sometimes and more importantly hide mickey for when the campus suites had their apartment checks to make sure people weren't keeping large pets such as dogs and cats or bringing in beer, alcohol, weed or any other type of drug. having a dog wasn't allowed and if they ever found mickey, hoseok would be charged with a big hefty fine. as he hid the small dog into the apartment where he placed out the puppy's food and water dishes so he'd kept fed once he needed to leave for class. he remembered what yoongi said early, "ask him out already" so with the time hoseok had free, he called his mother and asked for advice on how to bake a cake, more specifically a cinnamon coffee cake which was tae and his first shared treat. his mother asked multiple questions, such as "why are you making a cake?", "who is it for" and other badgering questions that caused his cheeks to pinken. the man didn't have any other choice but to mention taehyung— a crush that was growing bigger and bigger by the day.

the man displayed one larger floral plate with two spoons, he wanted the experience to feel like the safehouse coffee place at the library. he takes a deep breath and prepares himself, "open your eyes sweetie"

the boy opens his eyes, swiftly adjusting them to the light and peaks down at the cake, mugs and pretty plates siting on the counter next to a large display of decorative sunflowers. he smiles widely, upon taking a better look at the cake to sees words, he squints his eyes slightly, moving closer to take a better look. the boy chuckles softly after reading hoseok's message, will you go on a date with me, taehyungie? xo written in icing. the man waited in agony for the cute boy to say something.

instead of saying words, the boy almost literally jumps into hoseok's arms, the rush of pressure shifts them backwards, almost falling. "of course i will, seokie"


he nods, swiftly pecking hoseok's cheek, "yes, you're so sweet, oh my gosh, i'm blushing so hard right now" tae giggles nervously, looking into the man's brown eyes that gleamed from the light hanging on the ceiling, "i'm glad you said yes. i was so nervous" he confesses, carefully slicing a piece of his creation and lying the slice upon the clean floral dish, heading taehyung the mug of coffee with a gentle smile and red cheeks, the two ate three slices of coffee cake together on the couch with mickey chewing on one of his squeaky toys. the living area was comforting.

"does it taste okay?" the man asks, taking a sip of his coffee

"you can add baker to your list of achievements— it's yummy, almost better than the coffee house in the library" tae giggles. after eating, he sits next to hoseok, placing his head on the man's shoulders with a wide smile on his face. "thank you, for the cake, coffee, asking me out of a date, letting me meet your precious pup, inviting me here, being sweet t—"


"i'm serious though. thank you"

the older leans over to kiss his warm, rosy cheek. "you're welcome sweetheart"

— — — — — —

i've been writing on this chapter for a while and almost forgot that i had even wrote it. but, here you go! have a great day and stay safe!
— annie
xoxo 💋

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