[eight] ˘ ³˘

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"you've known him for a month now, and he hasn't met mickey yet. the boy loves dogs" yoongi smiles softly, wiping his forehead, shifting his damp dark hair to the side and out of the way of his brown eyes. "hm" the orange peach nods, looking downward at his watch on his wrist. "i'm gonna go shower really quick"

"— you going to the library?" the short boy in front of the mirrors, chuckles loudly revealing a sweet gummy smile. "maybe i am" the boy stands with his duffel by this side heading for the showers so when he goes to see taehyung, half asleep on the job, he won't smell like sweat and three hours worth of rapid movements but like soap, flowers and freshness. it had been a whole month of the two knowing each other, so far only a few times seokie would have to miss their cake and coffee meet-ups due to testing or working on a project. last week, the boy was jam packed with essay work, so taehyung being the dorky sweetheart that he is asked yoongi where hoseok was and casually took the university bus to the location accompanied by two slices of their traditionally coffee cake and two vanilla coffees that sat comfortably in their carrying container. the boy had his dark brown glasses on that were comfortably placed on the top of his button nose that was tinted with a rosy pink. his eyes curiously looked around, deciphering the numbers on the doors that he passed by, quickly hoping to find the right one that yoongi had described. he wore a larger cream colored jumper and slightly flowed pants with sandals. hoseok was surprised to have someone knocked on the studio door due to the fact that the room had been reserved for him and he wasn't nearly finished using the room for writing his essay and brainstorming song lyrics. they exchanged sweet looks as seokie's shaped pink lips formed a wide smile, the room was quiet as they ate cake and drunk coffee, tae didn't want to bother or distract hoseok from his work, he just figured the boy could use a nice snack and he was definitely right.

"tell tae i said hey! oh! and ask him out already" the small boy winks, shooing the peach boy off and out of the studio.

hoseok places his bag into the trunk of his car and drives down the street and parks in front of the library. he pondered yoongi's suggestion, maybe he should just ask taehyung out on a date but he wasn't sure if the boy would say yes because they have only known each other for a brief period of time but they felt so close to one another. the air grew more roughly as he exits the vehicle, the beanie on top of his head wiggled along with the wind, the large shirt covering his body flapped in the wind as he swiftly entered the library and technology building. the place looked basically vacant because it was thursday afternoon and a lot of people travel home for the weekend to wash clothes, gather groceries or to just visit family and friends.

"good morning" hoseok says happily, lookin over the desk down at tae who was half asleep like he predicted.

"oh, you came to visit me" the four eyed man chuckles with a wide boxy smile that could warm millions. "of course i did, silly. we have technically done this for the past, hm, month" the peach walks his way behind the desk, placing his hands comfortably around the boy's shoulders, hugging him firmly. taehyung immediately thought the man was warm, extremely warm and his skin was soft and  the prettiest shade of a soft toasted cream color, a bit lighter than his own. the man smelled like peaches and candy.

"how's your shift so far?"

"stupid, sucky and extremely slow"

hoseok chuckles, pinching the boy's cheeks, "why stupid and sucky?"

he ponders, "well a girl came in earlier looking for exactly five books and she got pissy with me because i couldn't find all of them. she swore that all the books were supposed to be here, i was already tired and hungry so i was in a bad mood. a few minutes after her, a dude came in looking for ten million books and he was in a hurry, he even rushed me like twice" the boy pauses to catch his breath because his words were rapidly coming out in long stretched sentences. "whenever he'd rush me, i'd mentally hit him in the back of his head, super hard. oh, and guess what?" the man chuckles replying with "what?" and taehyung clears his throat.

"the meanie called me a bitch because by the time we made it to the check out desk we had already argued like three times because he was being a stupid jerk" the boy pouts out his pink lips, "this library is lucky that i need the money, otherwise i'd leave as soon as possible. it's annoying to be so nice to others and get disrespected in return" he sighs softly, peering down at hoseok's soft hand on top of his, rubbing it calmly.

"i'm sorry you're having such a bad day sweetie"

"oh, it's okay. it's much better now" both of the boys cheeks glow a perfect pink rosy color as they sit in silence for a few minutes just caressing each other's hands, afterwards hoseok happily walks over to the safehouse coffee place to order them some cake, instead of coffee for the younger boy he purchases him a calming cup of tea to make him feel better. the day grows darker as they slid closer to each other for comfort, tae's head lays on the man's shoulder as they both look down at the older's phone, they were watching videos since no one needed help with books or technical help with the computers. taehyung adored the man's laugh, it was adorable, the way the man's face would brighten as he laughed, how he'd clap his hands or move back and forward while grasping for air with his brown eyes squinted so tightly that they appeared to look like perfect smiles.

"you're so cute, hobi"

"i think you're much cuter, tae"

his shift was almost over and the sky outside shined with shades of purple and yellow, swirling together beautifully to create a sight so gorgeous. "are you busy after work?"

"uh, no, why?"

"i want you to go somewhere with me, it's a pretty place i promise. will you?"

taehyung nods swiftly, grasping the man's hand sweetly.

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