Chapter 16

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"Okay, so how do I activate this?" you mumbled to yourself as you looked over your notes again. Apparently you didn't take notes on how to activate the transformation once you had casted the spell. "Uh...well then." You frowned. You moved to the center of the room, which was the most open, and shouted, "I want to turn into a bird!" Marius laughed from his corner of the house.

"Fail!" he shouted.

"Shut your face Marius!" you yelled back to him. You didn't have high hopes that what you just said would activate the transformation anyways. You closed your eyes and tried to imagine yourself as a bird. Your body morphed into one that was covered with feathers and you were big and graceful.

"Are you broken?" he asked after you were silent from concentrating.

"Your bowl will be if you keep interrupting me." You replied without opening your eyes. You did the hand symbols that were specified in the spell and with a poof you were a bird. "Woah! I can't believe that worked!" you shouted excitedly.

Marius was in his bowl crying of laughter. "You look ridiculous! Your head is just smashed onto a bird's body!"

You waddled over to a mirror and sure enough, you did look kind of strange. Your (h/c) hair was replaced with long white feathers and it was only your face that looked the same. Your body had filled out and looked sort of like a teardrop. It looked more like a bird's body than a human's body and it too was covered with soft white feathers. Your legs disappeared into your body and your feet were replaced with black talons. Instead of arms, you had majestic white wings covered in sleek white feathers. You honestly looked like a bird. "I look cool Marius!" you remarked as you continued to take in your appearance, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever you need to say to yourself to make you feel better!" he called to you.

You let out an annoyed sound and waddled over to the door, "don't flood the house." You commanded.

"Where are you going?" he demanded.

The wheel on the door spun around so it pointed to the portal to The Waste, "I'm going to test out flying in The Waste." You told him and opened the door.

"Don't die." He told you.

"Aww, you're sweet." You cooed, "you care for me."

"What? No!" he spluttered, "just go."

You laughed at this and exited out to the outside world. Immediately you were hit with a gust of wind and you struggled to shut the door behind you. "Let's do this!" you shouted to yourself to hype yourself up. You shakily stretched out your wings out to their full wingspan. You let out a giddy laugh as you saw the white wings stretched out beside you. You stepped away from your home and a gust of wind grabbed you and threw you into the air.

You screeched as the ground rapidly disappeared from below and you flapped clumsily to try and gain some balance. Everything was out of balance and somehow your leg got tangled above your wing and you plummeted to the ground. Frantically you opened up your wings to try and save your landing, but you ended up face planting the ground. "Owww!" you groaned as you sat up and rubbed the dirt off of your face. You then spat out some dirt that had somehow gotten into your mouth.

"The one day I need it to be quiet and there's a freaking windstorm!" you shouted to the dark clouds. The wind continued to howl around and it almost felt like it was laughing at you.

You continued to grumble curses at the wind as you trudged back to your home, it looks like you'll have to try again another day.

"Back so soon?" Marius questioned as you entered the building.

"The wind hates me." You told him as you leaned on the door to shut it.

"We should meet up then." Marius remarked.

"So how to de-transform?" you wondered to yourself. You did the hand symbols again and there was a melting feeling across your body and you were back to your human form. "Awesome."

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