Chapter 3

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"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're just copying the Witch of the Waste." The little water demon puffed it's cheeks out in annoyance, "I regret making this deal."

"Aw, Marius." You pouted. The little ball of water decided to tell you his name after you insistently began to call him 'it'.

"I regret everything." Marius sighed from his comfortable seat in a cup.

"Okay." You stood up and spun around to face the ball of water. You clapped your hands together a few times to get rid of the chalk clinging to your fingertips. Your (e/c) eyes glowed in excitement as you bent over to pick up Marius' cup.

"Okay what? What are you doing you crazed witch/wizard?" Marius demanded when you lifted up his cup. "Put me down! Who ever said I'd lend you my power?" Marius screeched.

"We're making a home." You replied happily as you stepped into the half circle shape you had drawn in the grass with chalk.

"A home." Marius deadpanned, "you really are awful." He sighed, he peered over the cup to see the crudely drawn symbol. "And how on earth will you get that to work?"

"I'll drop you." You threatened the water demon when he doubted your skills.

"Nope. I'm good, you can keep on holding my cup thank you very much." Marius replied in a panic, but his facial expression still showed clear displeasure. "You're awful."

"You're awful too." You replied cheerfully, "okay, on the count of three!"

"How do you know I won't completely fail?" Marius asked, extremely unamused.

"I believe in you." You replied simply, "you do have my soul."

"When you put it that way, it makes me wonder how you're not emotionless." Marius groaned.

"You know how we did it. You don't completely get my soul until I'm done."

"How did that even work?" Marius yelled in disbelief.


"Wait wait wait! I'm not ready! What are you doing?"


"Y/N! Do you want to kill us?"

"Three!" Marius growled fiercely and grew to a hundred times his own size and turned into a mixture of blue and orange. Around the two of you wind howled to create a small house. Wooden planks fell together to create the floor. Red bricks gathered together to build the four walls of your house. There was the thundering sound of a waterfall and a bathroom popped into existence. Wooden stairs wound its way to a second floor above you and more wood and bricks came together to build a few rooms above you. A ceramic bowl clinked together in the corner of your house. A door appeared at the front end and a wheel with two colors appeared on it. A few windows popped into existence on the walls. A stovetop formed on the other side of the floor and furniture appeared out of nowhere.

After a moment the wind stopped howling and everything settled down. "Woo!" you cheered and shot your arms up in victory. "Look! We even successfully made a portal!"

"Y/N! You're going to drop me! I did what you asked, now do what I asked!" Marius shouted from above you.

"Ah, sorry Mari." You smiled and put him down in the ceramic bowl.

"Mari's a girl name!" Marius shouted indignantly and raised his fists as if he was getting ready to punch you, "call me Marius or I'll just leave!"

"We have a deal." You sang as you reminded Marius.

"Don't remind me. I regret making a deal with you. You're awful." Marius grumbled sullenly from his white and blue ceramic bowl that fit snugly on a wooden table which was clearly bolted to the ground.

"Don't worry Marius. We'll show the world that there is such thing as a nice witch/wizard!" you cheered happily.

"Wait? Nice witch/wizard?" Marius asked in clear alarm and confusion, "as in you? You're awful!"

"Thanks Marius." You deadpanned and gave Marius a level look, "thanks a lot. I didn't get that the first five times you told me that, I'm glad you cleared that up for me."

"You're also sarcastic." Marius observed.

"Do demons eat stuff?" you asked after a moment of you looking around at your newly built house in awe.

"We eat whatever." Marius replied.

"So, you'd eat a rock?" you asked hypothetically and turned to him while holding up a rock.

"No! Rocks are evil creatures!" Marius yelled in return, "they just want to see the world crash and burn! Just feed me your leftovers or something." He grumbled the last part and pointedly looked away from you.

"Okay. Sounds good." You nodded before picking up a pan hanging from the wall and using a match to start the fire.

"Fire is also evil!" Marius called out from behind you.

"I'm sure it is." You called back.

"I'm serious! It's even worse than me!" Marius shouted after you, "they burn stuff down! They destroy things! When has fire ever been good?"

"Fire keeps people warm." You answered kindly, as if you were a kindergarten teacher trying to teach a kindergartener the most obvious thing in the world. "Besides, I wouldn't say much, considering that water creates hurricanes."

"With the help of air!" Marius retorted.

"Fire's nothing without oxygen." You answered smoothly. Marius opened his mouth uselessly from his little basin before reluctantly agreeing with you.

"I regret this." Marius grumbled angrily.

"Yes, you've also said that multiple times now." You nodded as you cracked some eggs and then dropped them into the sizzling pan. Very quickly the smell of cooking eggs took over your house.

"I'd leave right now if I could." Marius threatened.

"If you could." You retorted before adding some vegetables to the egg to make an omelette.

"I also like vegetables." Marius muttered quietly.

"Good to know." You nodded, "no egg shells then?"

Marius' face contorted to one of pure disgust, "no, keep that thing away from me!" he then proceeded to make gagging sounds and all in all make a fuss in his little corner.

"Calm down you big baby." You scolded to him as you slid the omelette onto a plate. Marius stuck his tongue out at you as you sat down at the small wooden table to eat.

"Huh. Looks like my only friend out here is you Marius." You mused after awhile.

"You just now realized that?" Marius asked in disbelief, "call up your friend or something, I don't need you pestering me 24/7!" he shouted angrily.

"I don't have any friends." You replied crisply, "thank you for trying though."

"I'm a water demon! I don't show kindness!" Marius shouted angrily.

"Don't get too bored by yourself." You said as you climbed up the stairs to the second floor of your house.

"As if!" Marius scoffed, but his retort fell upon silence.

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