Chapter 11

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You sighed in relief as you saw the school come into view. The wind was cold and piercing when you were flying through it and your eyes were watery from the arid air. You brought down the broom and descended to the ground by the school gates. Your boots crunched on the gravel as you jumped off of your broom. You then let down your hood and loosened your scarf. The air was warmer here and wasn’t attacking every piece of exposed skin.

Cautiously, you pushed on the metal gate to see if it would open. To your surprise, it swung open without a creak. You looked around uncertainly but grabbed your broom and made the trek to the school.

The hallways were quiet, so you assumed all of the students were in class. Your thick boots made loud noises as you walked through the silent halls and you tried to shrink within yourself in vain hopes that it would make you less loud. You continued through the maze of hallways, classrooms, and stairs and (much to your relief) you found the library.

You eased open the wooden door that led to the room that held all of the books and found it was just as quiet as the halls outside. “Excuse me?” you questioned the silent room and slowly slinked into the room. “Is anyone here?” your footsteps were dampened significantly by the presence of the carpet covering the floor.

“Oh, hello.” A bespeckled head popped out from behind a bookshelf, “I thought class was still in session.”

“It is,” you agreed, “I, uh, I got a pass. To leave. And go to the library.” You lied.

“May I see it?” the librarian questioned and emerged from behind the bookshelf with a hand held out for the pass.

“Did I say pass?” you stuttered, “I meant permission.”

The librarian looked at you humorously, “you’re not fooling me. You’re too old to be a student here.”

You shyly shrugged, “caught I guess.”

“So tell me,” the librarian took a seat at a desk and gestured for you to sit next to her, “what brings you here?”

You warily sat on the edge of your seat, “I’m looking for a spell.”

“How do you know about this place?” the librarian scrutinized you from behind glass lenses.

“I’m alumni.” You answered confidently, “I graduated a couple years back.”

“Were you here in the library often?”

“Yeah.” You sighed as memories of you and Howl during your school years rose up. The two of you would spend hours on end in the library learning as much as you could. He was always good at everything he did, many times you’d just watch in awe as he figured out and discussed things you couldn’t even fathom.

“I might remember you.” The librarian declared.

“Oh no, I’m sure you don’t.” You shook your head and waved your hands in front of you. ‘I don’t even remember you.’ You commented in your head.

“So what spell are you looking for?” the librarian stood up and completely dropped the subject of trying to remember who you were.

You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, “I’m looking for a spell that’ll allow me to transform into a bird when I want to.” You declared.

The librarian froze.

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