Chapter 15

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You woke up in agonizing pain. You grunted and screwed your eyes shut, as if that would help. It felt like every bit of you had gotten run over by a road roller and then was set on fire. You groaned again and tried to curl up into a tiny ball.

"Oh my gosh (y/n)." Marius hopped over to you, "you're alive."

You clamped your hands over your ears, "why are you screaming? And where's that ringing sound coming from?"

"Oh, maybe you aren't."

"Stop yelling." You groaned again.

Marius frantically looked around for something to help you with. It was for his own good, he didn't think he could last another minute with you groaning and moaning every five seconds. His eyes lit up when he noticed a heavy pan haphazardly placed on a chair. He hopped over to it and grabbed it before bringing it back to you. "Sorry but not really." He told you before he hit you on the head with the pan.

"Ow what the heck Marius?" was the first thing out of your mouth when you woke up again and started rubbing the sore spot on your head.

"At least you're no longer in pain, you should be thanking me." He answered pompously.

"For knocking me out with a pan? No thank you." You retorted.

"At least clean up the floor, it's a mess."

"Who are you to be telling me what to-oh." You looked around you and noticed that there were feathers and blood creating a nice little nest around you. "Was that me?"

Marius nodded, "it was almost like you were shedding it. Weird if you ask me. I think you did an illegal spell and are going to be arrested and it'll be great because you'll finally be out of my hair."

"But you're still bounded to me, by the contract."

Marius frowned, "this is not great."

You sighed and stood up to stretch out your sore and cramped muscles, and here you thought Marius wasn't that bad. "Guess I should clean this up." You sighed as you looked down at the mess of white and dark blue feathers with dark red blood surrounding it. "Marius, why don't you help me flood this area."

"No." Was his deadpanned answer.

"You suck." You grumbled and went off to find a broom.

"And you're awful."

"So are you."

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