Chapter 5

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"Y/N! You're insane, you know that?" Marius asked as you put a baseball cap on and turned the dial to the town.

"Your point?" you asked as you turned to the ceramic basin.

"Why would a wizard give you one of his spells?"

"Well, you never know until you try, right?" you asked happily as you opened the door. "Any last words before I leave?"


"Nope, bye Marius!" you called before you darted out the door.

"Y/N! Stop cutting me off!" Marius yelled moments before the door slammed shut behind you.

You began the walk through town towards the shop that you saw the other day. "Okay, just be polite, ask if they have the spell, if not, run." You mumbled to yourself as you walked through the crowds of people. You looked down at your feet to avoid eye contact with other people, and when you slowed down, you looked up to see the shop of 'The Great Wizard Jenkins'. "Okay, let's do this." You took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. Moments later the door opened to the same stunted man, er kid, from the other day.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"You don't happen to have a spell, do you?" you asked sweetly. After thinking about your sentence you sighed at your vagueness.

"You were that person who ran away the other day, right?" the kid asked gruffly.

"No! You must be confused with someone else." You said quickly as your hand moved to your (h/c) locks of hair. You gave a small scratch before your hand flew back down at your side. "You don't happen to have a spell that'll, uh, I don't know, hypothetically be able to turn you into, well, an animal, preferably a bird, you know, like, uh, hypothetically speaking of course." You said quietly while not looking at the kid.

"Are you a witch/wizard?" the kid asked.

"What? No! What makes you think that?" you asked in a panicked fashion. Your hair was slowly turning into a (different hair color) starting from when you scratched it. Magic.

"Only a witch/wizard would want to look for a spell like that." The kid answered.

"Well, you know, it's all hypothetical and such. I don't want it for myself, I'm just looking for a gift, for, uh, for a friend. Yeah! Because I totally have friends, why wouldn't I have friends?" you silently cursed at yourself for your awkwardness and the conversation that you were having.

"No. We don't give out spells like that. It's too dangerous. Especially for that friend of yours, who doesn't know what they're doing, unless they are a witch or wizard." The kid said smoothly.

Darn, he saw right through it, "okay, yeah, thank you. I'm sorry for wasting your time, again. I mean! Not again, we definitely haven't met before. Okay, I'll leave. Sorry for bothering you!" you yelled the last part out as you ran away from the shop. Again.

"You're not as subtle as you think you are!" the kid yelled after you.

"Good to know old man!" you yelled in return.

"Children." You heard the kid grumble behind you.

"I wouldn't say that!" you yelled at him, "you're not older than me!" you laughed when you saw the stunned look on the kids face before sprinting away. You may like to get a rise out of people, but you don't like the consequences, and there was no way you were going to test out this kids' consequences.

You quickly weaved your way through the crowd of pedestrians as you ran back towards the little building that housed the portal to your house. As you ran past people you decided that you were going to break in.

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