Chapter 13: I Wish That Was Me

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Authors Note: I am not to blame if this chapter sucked. I was taking a small break from writing, because that's all I ever do, and then I was going to plan out the next chapter, then write it, and type it. But, that all failed because I was being rushed. I'm glad you guys love my book. I do. But all the emails, i.m's, and posts on my message board telling me to update or asking me when I'm going to update is too much. I want you guys to respect that I need time to myself, and then time to make a chapter good so I don't dissapoint you guys! And another thing: I never know when I'm going to update. I don't like setting a day because I usually don't get the chapter done on time. I just update when I get a new chapter done.
I still love you guys though! No matter how many messages and stuff I get 'harrassing' me to update. Lol.

Anyways, enough of my mouth. Here's chapter 13. Enjoy!

"So, you got kissed." I said. It was more of a statement than a question. I was laying on my side of the bed. He was in the bathroom, getting ready so he could go to sleep. Niall poked his head out of the bathroom doorway, toothbrush in his mouth.

"Yeah." He said, taking the toothbrush out. "I did." He went back into the bathroom. I heard the water running in the sink.

"Did... you like it?"" I asked when the water shut off. I felt weird asking, but I wanted to know. My stomach jerked. I was afraid of his answer. Niall walked out, turning the bathroom light off before he exited. He lifted up the cover, and sat down on the bed.

"I guess." He said.

"Niall. Either you did, or you didn't."

"Okay. Yes. I did. It was... spontaneous. Ya know?" He said. "Anyways, you're coming to the next concert right?"

"Unless I'm in the hospital or physically unable to make it, yes." I said.

"What if you fall asleep again?" Niall asked, cracking a smile. I glared playfully at him, then grinned.

"I give my permission for you to throw me over your shoulder, and stuff me in the van. Wake me when we get there." We laughed, and I slid down to a laying position. I pulled the cover up to my face. Niall turned the lamp on his side of the bed off, then shifted so he was laying down too.

"Night, Ambi Bambi." He said quietly.

"Night, Nialler." Not long after, I heard soft snored emanating from Niall, telling me he was asleep. I, however, could not sleep. I lay in the dark beside Niall, staring at the wall, as I listened to him snore. All I could think about was that girl, kissing Niall. What did she look like? Was she pretty? Did she love Niall like I did? No, of course she didn't. Maybe she was a fan that loved him, but she didn't love him like I did, because she didn't know him like I did. There are no words to explain how much I wish that was me.

*                                                                       *                                                                      *

"Amber, get up." Niall said the next morning, bringing me out of my dream. I sat up, confused. I looked around, blinking my eyes, trying to get the sleep to clear from them. I was trying to remember the dream I had been having.

All I could remember was a girl, kissing Niall, her hair color constantly changing- because I didn't know what she looked like-, as I stood back and watched. Just as I was starting to get really upset, I was looking into Niall's bright blue eyes. He smiled, and his eyes closed as he leaned down to kiss me.

"What time is it?" I asked the real Niall. He pulled his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants.

"6:19." He answered.

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