Chapter 10: Something's Different

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I sat backstage, watching the boys finish the rest of the concert. They all had more energy now that they had seen me. Niall especially was more energetic. He was doing his Irish leaps every two minutes. When the show was over, all five of the boys ran backstage to where I was.

Niall reached me first. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, and he lifted me off of the ground. My arms automatically went around his neck, and I laughed as he swung me around in circles. After he finally sat me down, he looked at me, grinning hugely, his eyes sparkling. His hands found my waist, and he pulled me against his chest. I felt him press his face into the top of my head.

"I thought you left." Niall murmured into my hair.

"Never." I said, hugging him tighter.

"Yoohoo!" Louis said. "I'd like a hug, too!" Niall pulled away from me slowly, and I went over to Louis. He smiled at me, and gave me a hug.

"Ahem." Harry said, clearing his throat. "Don't hog her." He pulled Louis away from me, and Harry's arms were around me.

"Welcome back." Liam said as he embraced me.

"I never left." I laughed.

"Still," Zayn said, stepping up to give me a hug. "You gave us a right good scare there. I thought Niall was going to kill Louis and Harry." I smiled, and went to stand by Niall.

"You guys aren't mad?"

"We're mad that you tricked us, but we're just glad you're still here." Niall said. I wrapped one of my arms around his waist, and he draped one of his over my shoulder.

"It wasn't cool." Louis said. "With Harry stealing my TOMS, drawing on my carrots, and then turning me into a giant carrot."

"Excuse me?" Harry asked. "I did no such thing! You were the one who stole my lucky boxers, filled my room with cats, and then shrunk my clothes!"

"That wasn't me! Kinda wish it was, but I didn't do that!" Louis protested.

"Oh, so I guess the cats magically appeared in my room?" Harry questioned.

"You mean like I magically transformed into a carrot? I never pranked you! So, either someone else did, or we got some serious Hogwarts shit going on." Louis said. I couldn't help it. I burst into laughter, clutching Niall's hand where it hung from my shoulders. Everyone looked at me.

"I guess I have a confession to make." I said. "All of those pranks, they were me." I heard Liam snort, and Zayn covered his laugh with a cough. Niall was full on chuckling while Harry and Louis stared at me, both of them completely confused.

"That's impossible." Harry said. "You couldn't have done that."

"Yes, I could. And I did." I said.

"But my boxers-"

"I stole them while you were in the shower." I told him.

"And the cats?" Harry asked.

"I told you I had an interview to go to, to get out of going to Nando's with you guys. While you were gone, I released the cats."

"What about my clothes?" He asked.

"Did it before you woke up. Planted them while you were showering." I said. He looked at me.

"Maybe I should stop showering." Harry mumbled.

"Okay, so how did you pull the pranks on me?" Louis asked.

"You were asleep when I stole your TOMS, and drew on your carrots, and you were at Nando's when I put the dye in your shampoo and body wash." Louis looked at Harry, and then put his arm around the younger boy's shoulders.

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