Chapter 15

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On the plane Mrs. Winter smiles at me as she while she holds some of the pups while the plane takes off. Dr. Winter comes over to us while she cuddles the pups, "Victoria dear, why don't you put the pups down and let's eat our lunch. Oh and you can give Gaea her gift now too." She seems like a really nice woman I mean she's so nice that Victoria and the Doctor here are clashing. "Gaea I know it's a little late but I'm your master from now on and Dexter and I had bought you a diamond studded collar with a 24karrot gold heart shaped tag with all your information, shots, doggy door sensor lock, and your mates. I hope you like it I had a choker made for me with the same materials, and I wore it for months to test to see if it would hurt you."

She smiles at me and latches it around my neck as I look over at Dexter his name doesn't really seem like it's his name. Dexter Winter, so that means his father was Dexter Winter Sensor what an odd name. My mouth hurts I'm hungry my pups are scared out of their minds, I have no one here to help me feel safe, and my pregnant head wants to cry! As I watch them I can hear heavy feet moving through the other room. My ears perked while Dexter and Victoria spoke with each other. The door opens and the one they called Alpha walked over to me, "Master we will take her and the pups to our cabin, that way she can eat and get some rest." "That is fair, also no one can touch her, yet I want to ask the sisters what her pups are, then tonight in the dog pin you boys can have your fun." "Thank you master well will welcome her into our pack with ease." He pulls me up and takes the pup stroller cage with them in it and drag us to a lower cabin where there are seats along the wall each male is doing his own thing, some were reading, others playing card games, some were listing to music while other ate.

I spot Bryan and Kyle and rush over to them their faces lighten up as they both pull me into a hug. Bryan was crying as Kyle rubbed his face into my hair. "We thought we lost you!" Then Bryan cruses in French under his breath where I can't hear, "Kyle and I were suddenly pulled out of the room right before the gunshots went off." I cry and look them in the face as someone pries us apart. "We are not allowed to touch her right now, which is the boss's orders."

It was Alpha he had a fire in his eyes. "There is a nursery on the other side of this sitting area you and the pups will be in there. We had put food, games, toys, beds, and movies in there please stay in there unless you are coming to use the toilet." I nod as he removes the gag I stand up and walk into the neighboring room where it seems like a classic nursery there is a mural on the wall and colorful toys. Also just like they said there was a large television in the wall with over 20 Disney movies in a locked see-through bin.

I look at them as the kids run around and look among the toys. Willow and Esther like to help me watch the smallest of the pack while I set a movie in so I can nurse the pups and put them down for a nap. I pick up the (enter favorite Disney movie) and start it up the pups haven't watched a movie before so I wonder how they'll react to it. As the previews play it brings each of them over to the screen they were so engrossed by it that they all ate the food in front of them quietly and didn't even fight. When it was over and our three pups were asleep they asked me to play another. "Mommy, will you please put in another one of those moving pictures?" Oliver asked me while I ate a sandwich in front of me, "Well," the door opens and Alpha grabs me when Bryan is shoved in, "You mother is going to be busy for a while ask him." He said as Bryan wiped off his shirt and pants from being physically tossed into the nursey.

Dr. Winter was waiting for me in the other room where the three sisters were waiting. "Now then let us finish this ultrasound!" I go up the stairs where they have the machine ready and waiting Alpha watches from the top of the stairs, "Alright let's see here, yep just like I thought the pups are twins and they are both girls! Congratulations!


Hello readers,

I have been so busy that I forgot to upload a new chapter! Sorry, it's short. I was having computer problems and had to use a new computer for a while and I couldn't use it as well as I did with this one. I also lost a family member of old age on Father's day weekend so I have been a little sad. I celebrated my 20th birthday over a month ago, and my doggo has been a pest as well she keeps begging me for attention and I can't resist.

I was given to questions so I'm going to end it here. I love all of my readers so much!


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