Part 3

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Then after that it wasn't hard to do anything but I need to go shopping for food and other little things, but no one is here today to help me watch them. So we all have to go shopping. "Boys come here please." I see some with combed hair other wild hair. I comb those who have wild locks. Then clip them into their child leashes which was a stuffed animals that we backpacks and had snacks and pullups in them.

"Alright let's go." I normally don't go on Saturday so I'm sure some of the students are going to be there. We made it to the front of the store and I saw students filling the row after row taking food. "Hello Miss Taylor I see you brought all the little ones today." This is one of the nicer women guards that works in the store she is always giving me extras. "Mommy can we get a prize if we're good today?" Ethan always ask me this when I go to the store. "Near the end of our shopping trip I'll get some chocolate chips and we'll make cookies." They all cheer as I walk in and three heads turn and look at us they are the younger teens that are thirteen. "Wow! Mommy look at all the yummy things." "Yes Luke, there is a lot of things that we shouldn't touch."

They all nod as I grab a cart and have them all stay on my sides. I hear someone on the other side of the aisle, "Well look at this beautiful creature." I see a guy my age crouching at the cart looking up at me. His hair was blond with blue eyes; he had four other friends standing around a list. The pups did not like this, "Leave our Mommy alone." Jace said which shocked me then Ethan picked up a can in from the cart and threw it at him. "Ethan James Taylor! You do not hit people!" I scolded him as the blond guy winces in pain. "Did you really get beat up by a toddler?" His friends had came over to us and helped him off the floor. I'm still scolding Ethan as they look at me in my bright red fifty's polka-dot dress.

My phone rings I pick up as I have the pups hand me the box of cereal and the pop tarts. "Hello?" "Congratulations Gaea you have been here a whole month today you'll be meeting your Husbands we are going to send a Sitter to pick them up and take to one of the restaurant and a play house and a toy store." "Oh what will I be doing then?" "Well you are going to be doing the deed with all five of them and they will be coming over during the weekend to stay with you and over breaks until Christmas then they will be with you the whole time except when they go to school." "Alright then am I making dinner?" "Yes you are, now then I'll see you at five!"

He hung up and I look at the pups who have started putting more the two boxes of pop tarts in our cart. "Whoa there we can only have two. Now everyone, I know you like strawberry now one more." They look at the flavors and think hard, I'm hoping they don't see the chocolate ones but what would you know those guys are still here and seeing me watch them. "You know you should have these." This one is red haired and has green eyes showing them the cinnamon one. "There so yummy they taste like cookies." Of course they are all excited, "Really! Mommy, can we have these!" I smile at them and pick up the box and put them in the cart. "Mommy I need to potty!" Isaac said dancing around. "Honey Mommy is almost done can you wait any longer or are you about to have an accident in your pull-up?" "Accident!" "Alright everyone to the bathroom."

Another one of the boys with brunette hair stopped me, "We'll take anyone who needs to go." "Well they usually want to go with only me." "Who wants to go to the big boy bathroom?" The blond haired one said as they took some leashes and soon they all wanted to go to the big 'boy' bathroom. I finished up and bought everything and waited by the bathroom with seven bags. When they walk out I see the boys all excited while the older guys are worn out. "Mommy it was so cool they taught us to wee-wee in the potty standing up." "Oh wow!" I glare at them and grab their leashes and start my walk home when one walked over to me, "Let us help you we've caused you problems the whole time at the store."

His black hair was like charcoal. His eyes were like ice as I agreed to let them help us. They walk with us all the way back to our room when I let the kids back in I shut the door on them and walked back in the house and put up all the food then unleashed them to play. I start making their cookies. "Alright boys Mommy made cookies." They ran into the room with their hands out. "Now then Mommy made a lot but right now you are all having one." They nod as I gave them their sippy cups of milk and a cookie.

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