Chapter 10

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I see my parents smiling at me as they cry, "Oh our bay girl where have you been?" "You mother and I never stopped looking for you then we get a call from Kyle saying he knows where you were so we followed him and took us to this secret base for the Military and then we met the man named Frankly Winter saying he was taking care of you for us!" My Dad was bawling he hugged me Mom cries harder, "Don't worry we'll ask them if you can be released to us and we'll even take this to court!" "That's right baby Daddy as a lot of money saved in the bank, we can get you a good lawyer and we can set you free." I was so happy that I wanted to cry then a little hand touched the hem of my dress. "I can't leave I have people to take care of, and unless you can free them too I'm willingly going to stay here."

They pushed away looking astonished, I bend down and pick up Jayden. "I can't leave them here and beside I'm pregnant." "We don't care you are coming home with us!" I was going to talk when Ashton and the others walk over, "Mother-in-law, Father-in-law we are going to protect your daughter with all of our power please do not be afraid." Bryan said as Eros and Conner pull them off of me, Ashton and Leo held the pups. A guard comes in, "Time for you both to leave here and must never return." "No!" Mom clings on harder, the guard gets mad, "Let the woman go you ignorant creature!" The guard uses the butt of his gun to hit me. The world turns black all around me. I can hear screams of everyone around me.

I fall deeper into sleep and I stand before three doors, the closest door read Prisoner, the second door read Cages and the last one read Lace across the top. I open Prisoner and I see where I am now this world I am forced to live in is nothing but a prison, if I don't do something the next generation will have to find a way to fight something I was too scared to fight. I close the door and open Cages, I see that there are more of these around the world that are also slowly dying why was the Government keeping them away from the rest of the world? We are dangerous in fact the only dangerous people here was the guards themselves! I shut the door and open up Lace, when I do I see something no one really wants to see, I was in Dr. Winter's office he had me hooked up to many machines, I was naked and he was laughing as a man handed him a wad of cash. All I can hear him say is, "Be a good girl for me." I slam the door shut and sit in the darkness. Those doors vanished and I could see one new door.

Two older boys stood next to it, they had not eyes just mouths. "We found this door for you." "We think you should open it, it's warm and smells sweet we like sweet things!" Another boy walks over, "We finally get to meet you! Did you know we're growing fast because of the chemicals they used on you?" "Who are you three?" "I'm Joshua!" the one closest to the door said the one next to me, "Jackson, I'm the second one you know!" The last one smiled and ran over, "I'm Damen we can't wait to meet you Mommy!"

When I open my eyes I can hear beeping of an I.V. turning over hurt and I see all five of my mates sleeping near me with my pups and on my other side is Mom, Dad and Kyle they were all sleeping in chairs I see three nurse's wheeling in three baby carts. "Oh my goodness they said you could have been so wounded that you might not wake for a few more weeks and when you were brought here you, your body was already contracting the babies out and we didn't have time to do a caesarean, you were quite a trooper doing all of this while in a daze. Your group also refused to leave and they wanted to stay here no matter what." The woman smiled at me her dark skin glowed like she could free me from where I stood. "Well, would you like to hold them?" I sit up and nod as she hands me two of them and holds the other. "You have three beautiful boys." "Which is the oldest?" "The oldest is on your left the second is on your right and I have the third. Oh did you have names for them?" "Yeah Joshua is the eldest, next is Jackson and that one there is Damen." "Let me get the doctor." She took the babies and set them back down.

I look at everyone in the room, I was shocked to see them all sleeping in the same room. I smile as the sisters walk in with Dr. Winter, "I see you are awake and since you are, I will tell you that you are outside of your normal home this is my separate hospital for humans but I made an exception for you since you were hit." I nod as he walks over with the birth certificates I was very happy when I told them the names and they walk out with them, just in time for food to be given to me. With food woke up little ones wake up. "Mommy!" They all whispered I smile at them and cuddle with them as they climb in the bed with me.

"Were you boys good for Daddies and your grandparents?" They nod as I smile at them the nurses' return with the babies and I start to feed them, "They drink from Mommy's booby?" Jayden ask as Aaron fixed his glasses and looked at the one of his brothers, his tail wagged and patted them on the head, Ethan smiled, "I'm a big brother now and we are going to play with our cars and babies." "They can't play yet but when they get older you will all play together." They smile, as I start feeding Damen who was last, and see the door open again, the sisters walk in but they have two little girls with them they were five and sleeping. "Alright Gaea these were our surprises for you, aren't they cute?" "You mean those are mine too?" "Of course that locked room was these little darlings room."

I don't know if I can do this anymore, there are too many and now there are three little babies that need my constant care. "These girls were just like you but their mother gave them to us and we took your DNA and added it to them, now they are yours." The sisters were smiling as the room started to stir. I see my mates waking up and making me smile. They are all about to cry as I'm getting kisses and Conner hold Joshua and I start to burp Damen, "So who's last name are the kids taking?" Dr. Winter asked as I look down, "I mean their father is here," he smiled at me and looked at them, "You're not married to any of those males in fact you were following those orders I gave you when I said I want you to have all of their children. I could have easily given you one male and then have you wedded under the law, but I didn't do that did I?"

"We know what to do, instead of us taking the husbands last name we take our wife's name." Leo said with confidence as the others agreed." Dr. Winter walks back in, "Alright we are ready to return you to research center and you can recover also some wants to talk to you when you return home." Mom and Dad were waking up at this point and they were not happy to hear that I was leaving. "Why are you taking our daughter from us?" "That is all because she is our wonderful breeding experiment she is producing pups faster than any female we've had in years she is critical to this colony, we can't take her away, this is important to us in the balance of live. They are humans too but they are morphed with dog like features, they eat like us but yet they are closer to the earth and prefer to live in villages we were just told to watch over them and keep them invisible." "Then why do you have us locked away with guards that have all intension to kill us if we even look at them?" I ask him, he smiles, "All to remind you your place on this scale." "I will not return with you and I want us to live free in something more like a reserve."

"You don't understand that you don't have a right do you. You belong to me Gaea; you are my precious baby money maker you see the government will help support us more if they see that taking more females and make them like you, they will see that we can save the already shrinking population, you are my one way into the text books." "I won't let you get away with this once they see how you have the guards treat us they government will shut you down." "I think it's time for you to return home being outside of your home has made you a free thinker don't worry we have some new toys for you in your kitchen and you have two daughters now named Esther and Willow." He puts an anesthesia mask over my mouth as I pass out.

When I wake up I find myself in my overly large bed with three bassinettes next to the bed, I turn and am getting cuddles from my little boys and my newest girls are nowhere in sight. I walk into the living room and find the girls crying as Ashton was making silly faces, and Bryan was showing them two dolls, Conner was bribing them with cookies, and Leo was trying to read to them. Eros was over near the phone trying to contact someone, "What do you mean you can't we need some help!" He hung up very mad and saw me. "No you should be in bed." I pick up the girls and smile at them, "What's wrong little ones?" "Mommy, we want our Mommy and want to take a bath with her there are too many guys Mommy didn't have this many guys before!"

I smile at my mates, "They're just a little scared. Don't worry they'll warm up to us soon." They nod as I snuggle them closer to me and sit on the couch, "You girls were brought here to live with me and my husbands and boys, I would like to be your Mommy and those guys would like to be your Daddies. We won't push it but you can me Gaea if you don't want to call me Mommy yet." They nod and hug me; I smile up at the guys as they smile back. I walked into the room and help gather up the boys and put them in their bed, then the girls. I feed the babies and am met in bed with open arms of my mates. "I want to get the press in here and show them how they treat us." "We agree, and are working on a plan we talked to your parents and they are going to see someone to sneak in and they are going to make a documentary on the place and what its original motives were."


Dear Readers, 

Please tell me what you think and I hope you like it please look comment give me some ideas for the next chapter.

Love, Candy215

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