ch.21 Old Friends

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But the peace between the three didn't last long. Soon after Smolder- Ignite's daughter- found her way back to Cybertron, ignite and Sparkplug gave Flameburst so much trouble she had to banish them, and Smolder left with her sire. This meant Flameburst had more power over her clan.

She did feel the need to extend her clan more though. She heard that there was a clan on Cybertron's larger moon. So she went there and was very pleased with what she found.

Flameburst's account

When I arrived, what I saw was about a hundred or so Predacons, mixed. What I mean is that there were Pedadrake and Predacons together. Their alpha was a drake, his name is Blaze. He's a strong warrior, and sees the good in everyone. I've known him since I was young. His main mech is Molten, who also happens to be my youngling-hood crush. Amongst his clan I found my sister- Firestrike- and she hardly recognized me, as I did her. I had to show myself to her without the guardian armour. She pointed out to me I had tears embedded on the sides of my nose (like what cheetah's have) the only explanation I had was that I went into stasis crying over our sire's death.

I led the clan back to Cybertron. Where they were happy to see Predacons they hadn't seen for a while.

While I'd been in stasis, mating season had occurred. So many Predacons had chicks or had chicks waiting to hatch. Of course I don't go into heat until I want to, and when I'm old enough. But I still feel left out in the madness. Of course I'm not the only Predacon without a mate or chick. But everyone else has grown because they woke up years ago, while I was still in stasis. But it's my job to protect and fight, and I accept that, I just wish there someone to take the place for awhile, until I grow up.

Optimus Primal has taken his place, guarding the Requiem Blaster. And asked for us to meet in the forest next to the canyon I rule.


"You haven't changed" he said with a smile.

"I hope leaving the blaster to just say that, was a wise choice Primal"

"Relax, I know if anyone tries to break in. so how's it goin'?"

"Okay, I guess"

Flameburst had known Primal since she came out of the well, so dropped the formality and the guardian armour. She told him that being the guardian so young had it's down sides, and leading a clan so young isn't great either. As much as she hated Primal for leaving she trusted his advice of try lead in your own way, not how your sire led and this felt a lot better. Her sire always kept his clan hypnotized. And it was hard to constantly do that, so she thought letting the Predacons have a mind of their own would work out well.

She stood up and transformed in to her teenage beast mode. "Thank you... Optimus Primal" she said. She then changed her armour to the guardian armour and walked back to the canyon.

That night she went back to the forest and sat by the river. She was thinking about how her sire led and realized how controlling he had been she started to wonder if her style of leading was wrong. "Maybe I'll ask Optimus Prime" she thought out loud "he's a Prime, he's led". Then from behind Molten came. "Everything... ok your majesty?"

"Just business Molten" she sighed. She didn't put back on her guardian armour because like Primal, she'd known Molten for a long time. He sat down beside her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He'd always wanted Flameburst as a mate but never knew if she felt the same.

"Does the clan know how young you are?" he asked

"No" replied Flameburst "I'm afraid they'll leave if they find out how young I am, and I need the clan". Molten knew where she was coming from. A clan would never trust an alpha that was younger than them. And they'd constantly question her leadership.

Flameburst lay down and Molten followed her. He started to lick her neck, to loosen the muscles and to make her feel relaxed. What was odd about this was, this was usually done the by a Predacon's mate. Does he feel the same? thought Flameburst.

"Flameburst" started Molten "I know you're too young to have chicks yet and having a mate is the last thing on your mind, but would you accept me as your mate?" he asked

"I don't see why not" answered Flameburst

And the two slept by the river for the night.

(Cheesiest chapter EVER) honestly i got bored

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