ch.5 Enough

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(Flame's account)

I couldn't stand it any longer; I've been at this for weeks. I often wondered how Flameburst and Firestrike have put up with this for so long. It makes me question my own strength.

I stand right behind Flameburst, with Firestrike beside her. Sometimes when the going gets tough, and Flameburst looks at her weakest I gently nudge her to tell her to fight on just a little longer, but I don't know how much longer she can. But she can't go to the pits either. She's the only heir to my throne, my power, my guardianship. Firestrike can't be the guardian because she's not an alpha. I just hope they can hold in there for a little bit longer, until I make my move.


One day when the sun was at its strongest and the weather was at its hottest, at least a quarter of the Predacon haulers had collapsed, Firestrike among them. And finally on the last trip back to Iacon, when they were so near to finishing for the day, they lost another. But it was a bit more shocking than the rest. The strongest out of the chicks, Flameburst, had hit her weakest state. Her bio-mechanics couldn't handle the heat and tiredness any more. She gave in, completely collapsing without warning. Flame stopped immediately, nudging her, trying to get her back fighting again, she couldn't. Thick wafts of steam rose from her weak frame. A Sharkticon came over to inspect the damage. He looked at his companions, walking beside the flatbed holding the material. "We can't carry any more" one boomed back. The Sharkticon beside Flameburst's weak frame, pulled a sword from his back, raised it above her, the point facing her frame. She saw everything that was happening, she was on her side, her head raised, looking straight at him. "Whatever you do" she said "make it quick".-Flame and Flameburst could talk in beast form, but rarely did- she then just huffed lowered her head and closed her optics. Flame couldn't believe what he was seeing: his rightful heir, giving up. "Please" begged Flame "let me carry her on my back". The Sharkticon just ignored him and just raised the blade higher. That's it! Thought Flame with anger no more. Flame turned his head violently, and loaded his mouth with fire and let the fire stick on his glossa. He then wrapped his glossa around the chains that held him to the others and the freight. He launched himself at the Sharkticon holding the sword. The Predacon guardian has many defensive features; one of these is armour that is thick, when Flame used this armour, his collar and harness shattered. He took to the sky and used one of his metal engulfing fire balls. This hit the chains that connected the Predacons to the flatbed but also in the process shattering the collars and harnesses. This allowed the others to take flight. Within moments the sky above the Sharkticons was filled with the beating of wings and the roars of freedom.

Then Flame heard something. The beacon he thought they heard. Flame had been planning to set the Predacons free. He, Alpha Trion and Alchemist Prime had been planning for awhile. "Predacons, head for the Well of AllSparks!" he ordered. The Predacons did as they were told, and headed for the well. Flame had two options: one: flee and leave his heir to guardianship to die or two: fight and take her. And honestly it was a hard decision. But during the time of the revolution the Sharkticons had called for backup. And now hundreds of Sharkticons and Quintessions were heading for the scene. Flame landed for a moment. He nudged his daughter's chin "I'll come back for you" he whispered. He flapped his wings and left, regretting his decision for the whole flight to the Well of AllSparks.

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