ch.8 Meet D-16

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Soon enough she was surrounded by Sharkticons, with a harness, collar and lots of chains in hand. She didn't fight, there were too many of them, not to mention the Quintessions in the audience who'd be more than willing to join the fight. She allowed them to lead her to her 'stable'. This may be her new life.

She was dreading the next fight. Yes it had been exhilarating, and she got her anger out but she killed a mech out of cold blood. But when she was just about to go in to powerdown, a young mech came in to fill up her energon bowl. Flameburst could see he'd been in the mines recently; there was a thick layer of dust on his armour. And he looked like he'd seen his fair share of violence towards him, there were dents everywhere. She saw on his chest his code was D-16. She raised her head which compared to him was at his chest, and then he was only what 16 or 17, well if you looked at his face that is. She could tell he'd been forced to do this. He was shaking, he was tense. All his life had been slavery, mining and pain. She knew how he felt. She stood up and the mech knew this by the movement of chains, am I next he thought. He finished his job and was surprised to see Flameburst looking out the gap between the door and wall, in which he'd entered. It wants to leave D-16 thought. "You and me" started Flameburst "we aren't that different. We came out of the well the same way, we share the same energon and now we are both slaves."

"I ..." D-16 began "I never knew you were so... young" he said.

"We're a tall species"

"Yet, you fight so well"

"I've been trained by the best of Predacons, the Predacon guardian, the guardian of Primes" Flameburst paused and walked over to him. "Do you have a name?" she asked.

"Apart from this" he said pointing at his code "no"

She looked at him, and only saw fear. "I'm not going to hurt you" she said lying down on the ground once more. D-16 sat beside her. "What about you?" he asked "do you have a name?"

Flameburst nodded "I'm Flameburst"

She changed her position so D-16 could lean against her. And the two talked for hours about their experiences in the mines and hauling materials to build Iacon.

"I should go" said D-16 standing up, and trying to shake away the cramps in his legs. "And so should you" he continued. He walked over to Flameburst and undid her collar and harness. After he stood by the door and opened it more. "Why?" asked Flameburst.

"Because... you deserve to be free. Go, find your father, and take his place as guardian when your time comes. The Primes of the future need you."

"Thank you D-16. Maybe next time we meet you'll have a name. And look forward to hearing what you come up with." She walked her first free steps. "But before I go" she said "put your servo out, flat". D-16 did as he was told and Flameburst rested the tip of her snout in his palm. "I will never forget you. And one day if you still are a slave, and we meet again, I'll free you!"

Then she ran, spread her wings and charged for the wall and took her first free flight in months. I hope we meet again Flameburst thought D-16.

I hope he won't be punished to badly for this Flameburst thought.

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