Chapter 23

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Larson had kept his word and had not come in early to wake me for training. However, I still didn’t get to sleep in. Guess I should have been more specific, and included Nathan in that promise. My bodyguard was currently yelling so loudly that it sounded as if he were in the room with me.

Annoyed, I cursed and threw off my sheets. Pulling on my only robe, I stormed out of my room to see what was going on. And to bitch him out. I am so not a morning person.

I stalked into the living room to find Larson standing with his arms crossed and looking mildly annoyed while Nathan let him have it. “You have officially lost your damned mind!”

Larson’s eyes flitted over to where I stood and Nathan, whose back faced me, stopped his ranting. Sensing company, Nathan cast a glance over his shoulder.  Some of the intensity left his face, and his body posture relaxed a fraction.

“I distinctly remember saying I wanted to sleep in,” I said coldly to the two of them.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” was Nathan’s whispered reply.

I rolled my eyes. “Kind of pointless to whisper now.” Nathan offered an apologetic look that I dismissed. “Whatever. Since I’m already awake, would either of you two care to share with me why in the hell y’all are having a screaming match at the ass-crack of dawn?”

Nathan shifted uncomfortably. “Maybe you should go back to bed,” he said. It seemed he wasn’t too eager to deal with me in my current mood. Hell hath no fury like a sleep-deprived bitch.

“Oh, please. How could I sleep with the two of you screaming in my ear?”

Larson raised an eyebrow at me as if to ask, the two of us? Coolly, he replied, “I believe I haven’t raised my voice once, love.”

“Yeah, well, I appreciate it, but clearly you’re not so innocent here. I highly doubt Nathan initiated a screaming rampage just for the hell of it. What did you do this time?” My patience was running thin, and I was in no mood to deal with their drama.

Larson’s jaw clenched, but he didn’t speak. So, he had nothing to say for himself? It was only too clear that Larson was behind Nathan’s outburst.

I managed to grind out the question through clenched teeth. “What. Is. Going. On?”

Nathan made the wise decision to confess, though he did so apprehensively. “Larson, here, decided it was a good idea to let his vampire friend go.”

My eyes practically popped out of my head, “What?! Why? He had info we needed!”

“Not Psymon,” Nathan growled, staring daggers in Larson’s direction.

It took me a moment to remember Trish, our second hostage. Though her usefulness had expired, I still wasn’t fond of the idea of letting her lose to walk the streets again. Call it a gut instinct, but I had a strong feeling I wouldn’t enjoy running into her again if Larson really had freed her.

“He’s joking right?” I directed my question to Larson, who still hadn’t said a word.

He returned a devil-may-care look.

“Damnit Larson, why?”

He shrugged, “We couldn’t very well keep her and Psymon in the basement together. Surely, the two of them would have come up with a way to escape. I’m only one vampie, love—it’s simply too risky. We stand a better chance against one psycho vamp, than two. I am only thinking of your safety. What would you have had me do?”

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