Chapter 32

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Nathan was doing his usual thing in the kitchen when we entered. I made it a point not to make eye contact. Thanks to peripheral vision, however, I didn’t miss my bodyguard’s cross expression as he glared between me and Larson. I took a seat at the kitchen table, ignoring Nathan’s pointed glares as best I could. I was still upset with him for not being totally open with me.

“I see the two of you slept well last evening.” His tone insinuated he knew Larson had stayed the night in my room. He didn’t sound too thrilled. Well, I wasn’t too happy with him either.

Still, that caught my attention. My head snapped up to look at Nathan, looking fierce with a spatula and staring Larson down. I was glad he was holding the vampire’s gaze and not mine, because I wasn’t sure I’d be prepared for what I’d see in his eyes.

The standoff lasted about twelve seconds, before Larson tightly said, “Nethaneel, may I have a word with you in private?”

Nathan gave the barest nod of consent, but neither of them moved or broke eye contact. Larson smirked sardonically. Speaking to me, but not sparing me a glance, he said, “Love, per chance, do you still possess that fun little gift you got last night?”

“No,” I lied smoothly. I had a couple reasons for deceitfulness. Manly, I wanted to see how it felt to be Superman for a day, and therefore needed to test out my newfound, but hopefully temporary ability. Second, because I was a nosy bitch, and I wanted to know what they intended to discuss. If they new I could still hear through walls, they’d put as many rooms and distance between us as possible. That would definitely put a cramp in my plans to eavesdrop.

Excited butterflies swarmed in my stomach. What if one of them finally slipped, and revealed what Nathan really was?

I didn’t normally lie, but the pros outweighed the cons. It was a harmless lie after all. If this ability didn’t fade in a couple of weeks, I’d just tell them it came back or something.

The guys still held each other’s attention. Since I had little practice in dishonesty—other than having to protect my family about the demons that plagued me—I was a terrible liar. If either of them were actually paying me any attention, they’d have caught me immediately.

“My office,” Nathan said, stone faced.

Larson turned and exited the kitchen without another word, Nathan following close behind. I followed them with my eyes until they were out of view, then I relied on my ears. Their light footsteps carried up the stairs and down the hall. Once I heard the click of Nathan’s office door, I got up from the kitchen table, intending to sneak up the stairs for a closer listen. I didn’t make it out of the kitchen, however, before I heard Nathan’s furious tone.

“What the fuck?” Nathan growled.

I skidded to a stop on the tile. Woah. He was pissed! It was kind of sexy. Or, it would be if I wasn’t afraid Larson might leave that room with fewer limbs than what he’d walked in with.

Larson sound unaffected, bored even.  “You’re overreacting considerably—dangerously so, I might add. You know the consequences if—”

Something heavy and loud collided with something else. There was a simultaneous shattering of glass, met with an impressive THUMP. Maybe my bodyguard turned into the Hulk.

Nathan’s voice was raspy and strained, “As if I need reminding! It has only been hanging over my head an eternity.”

Thanks to my handy-dandy sixth sense, I knew Nathan was old….but, an eternity? That had to be the wildest exaggeration I’d ever heard.

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