How is He doing this to Me?

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The rest of the morning went exactly how you'd think the first day of a new school as a senior would go. Everyone knew everyone, except for me. Even teachers knew inside jokes and secrets. Though thankfully none of the other teachers asked me to come to the front and shift.
Nora was more of a blessing than I'd anticipated, if Dominic wasn't with me she was, and she was so sweet to me. She constantly kept an eye out for me and would tell off anyone if they were staring at me.
I finally made it to lunchtime where Dominic joined Nora and me at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. I had half expected him to sit beside Nora, who was across from me. But instead, he slid in right beside me, his thigh resting right against mine.
The instant jump in my heart rate irritated me to no end, but he didn't seem to pay it any mind. He just started into conversation with Nora about an assignment that we had to do.
I sat quietly and ate my food, which was pretty decent for school cafeteria food, until Dominic turned his attention to me, "How has your first day been so far?"
I shrugged my shoulder, "I've had worse days."
He laughed -loudly, boisterously,- "I guess that's at least a little comforting, knowing you've had worse things happen than finding out you've been engaged to me without your knowledge."
I couldn't help the brief smile that crossed my face, "Yes, this is certainly not the worst thing to ever happen to me, Dominic."
When I said his name I could have sworn I felt a shiver go up his leg, but the rest of him stayed perfectly still so I figured I must've imagined it.
Nora laid her hand on the table "Are we still meeting tonight Dom? So that Fallon can meet everyone else?"
He nodded to her as he ate his food, piling it in like a typical guy.
Nora must've heard the panic in my voice because she smiled and shook her head "No, not the whole pack. Just the ones our age."
I nodded once and looked back down at my food, trying not to internally panic. I didn't like large groups of people, especially when I knew they were all going to be focused on me.
Out of nowhere, Dominic laid his hand over my own on my leg. "Hey, remember you're going to be the new Alpha, you're practically their god."
He laughed and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it, he was so obviously at ease here that it made it hard to be on edge around him; No matter the bizarre circumstances.
The warning bell signaled five minutes until class started, and when I looked around us I discovered that the cafeteria had mostly emptied without me noticing.
I got to my feet and started to gather my tray when Nora held her hand out "Don't worry, I'll get them, just go with Dom to class."
I nodded and grabbed my bag, "thanks, Nora."
She smiled and shooed me off so I turned and followed Dominic out into the hall.
Even though he had a head start, my long legs allowed me to catch up to him in only a few steps. But as I walked just behind him he was oddly silent. All through the day, he'd had a run of commentary for me, telling about other students and teachers, explaining the best routes to take to get to class.
Just as I was starting to wonder if I'd offended him in some way or another he stopped short, causing me to bump right into him and stumble back, nearly falling on my butt.
He turned on his heel and caught me by the waist, pulling me suddenly very tight against his body.
A tiny part of my brain was glad that the hall was empty, but the majority of it was consumed with the way his body fit against mine.
"I'm sorry Fallon, just don't...don't bite me okay?"
I was already very aware of how close we were, but then he lowered his head and brushed his mouth very gently against mine.
That part of my brain that had been functional before short-circuited and all I could think was him; His taste, his scent, the way I could feel his heart hammering against his chest. It was intense, world-shattering. And then it was gone, he released me and took a full step back from me. "I am sorry for that...I just, I had to know..."
My brain wanted to form words, but my mouth was still numb from the overstimulation. I knew I wanted to be angry at him, and that I would certainly be later. But it was all I could currently do to keep myself upright.
When I didn't say anything he nodded and turned away, walking to the end of the hall and turning left, then walking into the open classroom door just as the final bell rang.
The ringing bell was finally what jump-started my brain again. I swallowed hard and ran down the end of the hall, sliding into the classroom just as the teacher was closing the door.
He raised his eyebrow at me, "It's your first day, so I'll let this slide. But I would prefer if you were here before the final bell from now on."
"Yes sir," I said as I nodded, walking quickly to the only open seat left; that was of course, right beside Dominic's.
I tried my best not to look at him as I dropped my bag and took out my textbook while the teacher moved to the blackboard. That was until Dominic slid his foot across the aisle and hooked mine with it. I could feel the warmth rising to my face as I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling easily at me, all the tension I'd seen in him out in the hallway was gone and he was the same easy-going guy that had been showing me around all day. All I could think was, "what have I gotten myself into?"

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