Poseidon's Daughter

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  Kyrstal was deep sea diving in the Bermuda Triangle. There were many myths of bad things happening in these waters, but she didn't worry about that. She was just enjoying herself in the water. She swam around with her flippers and looked at the ocean around her with her goggles. She felt comfortable, like she was meant to be in the water. All of a sudden she saw a large shiny object on the bottom of the floor. She raced down to see what exactly it was.
The ocean floor was ALOT deeper than she expected. It was enough to make her ponder at her own existence at this depth. The pressure this far down should've flattened her by now, and she wasn't even to the bottom yet. As Krystal neared the bottom, she saw that the glint she saw before was actually a large palace underwater. She figured it was ruins as she neared the bottom. She didn't know how wrong she was.
She swam through corridor after corridor of surprisingly polished marble. Seaweed should have covered them by now, but they were untouched by vegetation. She turned a corner and found a giant throne room. Sitting on the massive form was a gigantic merman. His extremely long tail was covered in green scales, and his short brown hair floated in the water. The merman was lazily sitting in his chair, staring off into space. She was about to turn around and leave, but she apparently caused a motion in the water that the merman was able to sense. He turned to her, and those sea green eyes stared directly at her face.
[Who are you?] the mysterious figure asked.
[My name is Kyrstal,] she thought back terrified, [I'm so sorry to disturb you.]
[It's okay,] he said, [My name is Poseidon.]
[You mean THE Poseidon?] she asked in shock.
[Who else?] Poseidon replied. They continued this conversation for some time. Poseidon said that he was extremely lonely. Krystal felt sympathy for him, and Poseidon sensed this.
[You can help me if you like] Poseidon said calmly.
[How?] she asked, unsure of the answer.
[You can become my daugther,] he started, [You will be given many things; including immortality, strength, and powers beyond your wildest dreams.]
Krystal pondered this in her heart, weighing the pros and cons in her head. She eventually made her decision.
[OK,] Krystal thought in almost a stern tone.
[Wonderful,] Poseidon replied. All of a sudden, a green light enveloped Krystal, causing her diving suit to discintegrate. She gasped at this, and discovered she could breathe underwter. She was still marveling at this when the transformations began.
She watched in shock as her legs merged together and formed a giant tail. Her feet mushed together and became a large flipper. Her lower body stretched outwards, becoming four yards long. Orange scales started to cover her tail. Her hips bursted outwards, and her stomach was sucked in as she gained an extreme hourglass figure. Her breats exploded outwards, growing into a G cup. Her muscles rippled as she gained incredible strength. Krystal's face transformed, becaming more rounded. Her hazel eyes turned sea green and glowed. Her brown hair turned light purple and grew past her tail. The hair became neutrally bouyent, and it floated all around her. It also lost its tug on her head. She grew greatly in size, becoming the same size as Poseidon. She felt another surge of power run through her as the transformation completed.
Krystal looked at herself in amazement. She had just transformed from an average young woman into an extremely attractive giant mermaid. She looked up at her new father with admiration. She was by her father's side always and helped him through many problems. She eventually forgot about her old life and focused on each day of her immortality as a blessing.  

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