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  Amanda awoke feeling like the day after her eighteenth birthday party, completely sick. Feeling completely cold and yet over in sweat, Amanda just shivered underneath her blankets as she knew from past experience that she was indeed sick. Slowly reaching over to her bedside table to grab her mobile phone to see that she was meant to be at work an hour ago.
"Well, I'm going to be late" Amanda said letting out a sickly laugh finding the humour in her little situation, dialling her work number she later got through to her soupier for being late as she wasn't feeling too well and once that was all cleared up, Amanda returned to her to try get some rest but first she needed to get her extra blankets as she still felt incredibly cold. Removing her blanket to reveal her pyjamas, Amanda slowly got to a sitting position which in her condition was a difficult task in its self as getting to a standing position and walking was a whole different ball game. At Twenty-two years old, Amanda was quite a good looking woman getting checked out by her co-workers every day but for today she wouldn't let herself look at herself by how she was feeling. Soon finding the extra blankets, she wraps them around her and sluggishly made her back into her bed, placing the blankets over her original ones and feel asleep. Waking up to find it to be quite dark, she was guessing quite late afternoon feeling very thirsty, letting moan in annoyance seeing she nice and warm in her bed and knowing all full well what lay before her just made want to ignore her need to drink and just back to sleep. But with it not leaving her mind, Amanda angrily threw off her blankets off her instantly being hit by the chilly air. Getting up making her way to her kitchen, Amanda notice she didn't feel as bad as she did that morning.
"I must be getting over it" Amanda said as she got herself cup and pour some water into it. Drinking it down within seconds, thinking that she had to been really thirsty for a drink, pouring herself another and drinking it down Amanda felt a second need, to relieve ones self. Putting the cup down, Amanda rushed to her bathroom, pulled down her bottoms and underwear and went on to her business. After she was done with all, she washed her hands and returned back to her bed to sleep once again.

Day 2
Awaking up to feeling her fever was back with vengeance and to add she was just felt beyond rotten.
"Oh come on," Amanda moaned brushing her shoulder length blonde hair out of her face. "I thought was getting better not worse!"
Going over her symptoms, she had a massive headache, clammy hands, sweating like she ran three triathlons within one day and the classic sniffles and feeling like crap.
"Well this isn't going to make work happy" Amanda said sickly as she really now did sound sick. Amanda just curled underneath her covers hopping she would get well and soon as she couldn't afford of skipping from work. As Amanda lay their she could feel an odd irritation above her ass, wrestling with her self not to scratch it Amanda finally caved in into it as she reaches down beneath her pants and undies and began to scratch. As Amanda scratched she found out two things, that the scratching didn't really help and that there was a patch of very rough skin the revolved around a small bump.
"What is that?" Amanda asks lifting her blankets to let some light as she lift her pant upwards to give herself a proper look. To her it look like bee sting only larger, Amanda thought this be really weird as she wasn't hoping that it wasn't some kind giant zit.
"Great this is just gets better and better" Amanda moans feeling the need to drink once again this time when she got up she wrapped her self with on of her blankets and shuffled to the kitchen this time grabbing a jar, Amanda filled it up with water, grabbed a cup and shuffled back to her bed. Placing the jar and cup on her bedside table, Amanda returned back into her bed pouring herself a cup of water and drinking it within seconds. Soon returning back to sleep only too wake hours later needing to go to the toilet.
"Can I just sleep?" Amanda moans removing her blankets off her and made her way to the toilet, after doing her busy Amanda returned to her bed now feeling hunger sinking in. Realizing that she hasn't had anything to eat for two days, Amanda once again made her way to the kitchen and quickly makes herself a sandwich. Amanda returns back to her bedroom eating her sandwich in the process, making her way into her bed Amanda was lay down back into her bed when something on her ass stopped her. Turning behind her and Amanda eyes open widely to what they saw, there just above her ass a bump about the same size as a doorknob was visible through her pants.
"What the hell?" Amanda asks her self pulling her pants down to get a proper view of it, the bump had a more pink tone, even that Amanda was a nicely tanned woman, the colour really stuck out more then that of the bizarre bump. Pressing her finger on it, feeling it was quite fleshy as she poking some fat, this was just too much for her mind to take in at this time and just crawled under her blanket, laid on her side and fall back to sleep once again.

Day 3
Walking up to a startle, Amanda's first sight was the complete darkness around leaning over to see it to be ten past two in the morning, looking around the room, Amanda could swore something was touching her when she was sleeping seeing only her quite apartment, Amanda lay her head back on the pillow wanting to go to sleep once again. As she lay their trying to figure out what made her wake up something touched her ass, jolting up Amanda quickly removes her blanket and let out a horrified scream, their growing out above her ass as foot long tail. Amanda just stares at as she could actually make it move like if it was her arm or leg.
"A tail... I have grown a tail... how is it even possible, people don't just grow tails!" Amanda cries out, trying to figure out on how this was possible Amanda became quite dizzy for some reason and fainted. When Amanda came to, Amanda was greeted by the mid day some, the sheer coldness and her resting against her legs. Slowly looking down, Amanda could see that not just was it real but had grown an extra foot and was half the thickness of her own legs, her tail was covered in scales with a pink and purple wavy pattern with a violet lining which the entire thing was quite beautiful almost like art. At the tip of her tail it spited into a type of fan however Amanda wasn't too sure as it was too small to confirm.
"What is happening to me?" Amanda said softly almost at a whisper as fear griped her for what was happening to her. As Amanda moves her tail she notice that could move in a up and down motion, this was just too much for her as she just lay on top of her bed just staring at her new limb. Amanda just lay their as the day went by her as her mind was trying to figure out what has happened to her and as the day went on her changes continue as by three o'clock her tail had past her knees and thicken to the near thickness of her own leg, while at the point a foot length tail fin with the same pattern of her tail just with white and pink.
"Am... Am I becoming a... mermaid?" Amanda asks as the tail fin was like dolphin's tail then that of a fish, which was the classic look for that of a mermaid. Amanda also notice that scales of the tail was spreading over her waist, legs and crotch area, how ever this bizarre transformation was changing her body was beyond her. Finding the need to feed once again, standing up Amanda instantly felt that her legs were much weaker then before that she had to give herself a second or two just to walk. As Amanda walked to the kitchen on jelly legs, Amanda began to wonder if being sick was the cause of these changes. As Amanda opens fridge door she notice her hands were webbed, this surprised her as she didn't really notice it before, looking down to her feet and spread her toes she notice that same thing.
"There's got be something about this on the news," Amanda said to herself as if this was a new type disease, she had to find out. Grabbing an apple, Amanda turns on the TV, she flick through each channel to find any, any type of news that may help her on figuring out what was happening to her but as the day turn to the evening and still nothing about anything that could explain her situation. Amanda giving up turns off the TV and in defeat made her way back to her bedroom, fell on to her bed a sob loudly until she fell asleep once again.

Day 4
When Amanda awoke, she notice couple things, for started she felt like she was laying on top pillow, her lay heavily around her and finally she couldn't feel her legs. Adjusting herself to her back and to a sitting position, Amanda just stared as she began to cry once again to what had happened to her during the night. For starters her tail now about three feet longer then her original length of her legs and a thick of both them, her tail fin stretched out three feet wide, her legs had shorten and thinned as they look to fish fins, from the waist down Amanda was almost fully fish, but the changes didn't stop their as above her waist Amanda went through some 'unexpected' changes, her breasts had grown a cup size large and also became rounder and firmer making the use for a bra obsolete. Her hair once shoulder length now flowed down past her waist, lifting her webbed hands up to her face, Amanda also notice that her ears was webbed as well and kinda poking through her hair.
"I am truly a mermaid alright," Amanda sighed as with out her legs, Amanda would have to drag herself around everywhere, Hearing a knock at her door, Amanda froze not too sure what to do or say.
"Amanda Lucas, Are you in their?" a male voice calls out, Amanda said nothing, "We believe that you may be effected!"
"I... I'm in here!" Amanda cries out, hearing her door open as a small group of men made their way into her bedroom wearing hazmat suits.
"What has happened to me?" Amanda asks.
"We will explain everything, but first we must move to proper environment" one of the men said, Amanda didn't argue as they lifted her up and moved her out of her apartment and into a waiting tuck with a pool of water on the back. It wasn't until two days later when Amanda was told that an experimental DNA virus escaped from a lab nearby which made someone sick for couple days and change their bodies in the process, they also explained that they yet haven't found any antidote to it and many people mostly women were effected by it. Amanda was transferred to a isolate lake where man other people like her were changed, some exactly like others were more worsted off then she was and even some less then she was, the only good thing that Amanda could think about of turning into a mythical mermaid is the pure freedom she had while swimming in the water, so much so she didn't even care of clothes, none of the men seem to complain about as the guards just simply watched in enjoyment seeing Amanda basking in the sun.  

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