RK900 x Reader(Part 2)

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Tittle: What the-?!

Author's note: Previously on A.N.T Farm. (I miss that show ;-;) Well RK900 is staying at your place and is Jelly of our winking bean. Now! Off to your house cuz that's where my lazy self left off! This also may not be a two parter. It'll be as long as it likes.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Can I stay with you for a few days?" RK900 asked. I thought for a moment. Doesn't he have a room at CyberLife? Guess I should have read the fine print, I mean they forced Hank to let Connor stay with him. And it was a brutal battle with Hank. Even that asshole Perkins stepped in.

"Yea, sure...Why not?" He kept a blank face, and unreadable expression just like all other androids. But his expression looked like he was hiding something. I stared at him up and down, searching for any signs of...well anything!

"Is something wrong Detective?" He questioned me, something was wrong but I couldn't pin point it.

"Nothing's wrong RK, let's just get to my car before traffic piles up." It was Wednesday and traffic on this particular day was just straight up ridiculous and reckless.

RK900 gave a subtle nod, following me out to my manual car. Just like Hank, I also don't trust these robotic cars. I got in the driver's side, he got into the passengers side.



"Apologizes, Y/N why don't you own an automatic car? You clearly have the money for one. And if not one maybe 2."

I stopped on buckling my seat belt. "I-I'm sorry, but how do you know that?" I have him a skeptical look. Maybe it is a bad idea to have him at my house. I mean, not every day someone knows your bank account and balance.

"I take in my surroundings. I scan the people I see and their information is stored into my data banks." He said, keeping a prim and proper posture while sitting in my passenger seat. Hands folded and everything, like if his mother was going to scorn him for not sitting proper.

"Do not get me wrong, your Dodge Challenger 2010. Serial number 789 812 167 is nice. It's just out of place with today's technology." I looked at him with a creeped out expression.

"To home we go! We'll put a pin in this conversation! And never come back to it! How does that sound?"

I didn't quite wait for a response and drove off, out of the DPD's garage. Looks like traffic was light today. If traffics light today, just imagine Friday. Just great, and I don't know how long RK plans on staying. So just my luck.

Finally home sweet home! A place of relaxation without hesitation, where Fowler can't bust your chops!

I turned the key in the keyhole, twisting the knob as well and opening the door wide so RK900 can enter. Only to be tackled by my German Husky mixed puppy, Puff.

"My sources didn't say you had owned a dog." I just rolled my eyes. Puff, being a playful puppy he is. Licked all over RK's hand when the android bent down to pet him. But what happened next freaked me out.

HE LICKED PUFF! The small two eyed colored puppy thought it was all fun and games, continuously licking RK's face.

"What the-?!" Puff stopped licking and RK900 stared at me. Puff waddled his little way back to his doggie bed. RK900 stood up.

"Did I do something wrong Y/N?" He asked standing up and straighten out his suit.

"You just licked my puppy! Why?! Bu-?!" I was at a lost for words.

"I can scan the faces of people and recognize them in an instant. But with animals I have to take a different approach." He informed me.

"So CyberLife are freaks, ok!" I rubbed my face with one hand out of frustration.
"Ok, ok, ok. Back to the basics before I lose my mind."

"Y/N Your stress levels seem to be high, how about taking deep breaths to calm down?"

I did as he said, for some reason, but it helped me calm down.

"I'm calm, I'm calm. Now, what's your name because calling you RK900 is getting weird and old. So what name did CyberLife give you?"

"For they did not program a name for me. What would you like to name me Y/N?"

Oh good grief, now I have to do the whole android process of giving him a name. Even though it takes like 2 seconds, I didn't really have a good name for him. So I thought, and thought, and ,thought and thought some more. Till it hit me, no literary. Puff threw a magazine at me with the name 'Colton' on it.

"RK900, render your name."

"Name rendering. What would you like to name me?"


"Hello, my name is Colton."

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