Don't run away.

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   So this chapter goes out to @Rachael1099,she's a very cool girl.You guys should read her stories there good.Hope you guys like this and thanks for the reads,votes and lovely comments you guys are pure awesomeness!.

2 days later

Harry's P.O.V.

l was thinking of ways to prove to Sofia that l love her.l had asked the lads for help they all said yes even though Niall hesitated a bit.l thought he was going to say no.Everything was falling back into place.Thank God Melissa had decided to go back to London so Sofia didn't have to worry about her anymore.l called Eleanor and she said she would come for only two days.Perrie said she would help but she couldn't get off her tour even if she wanted to.Malese said she would help but she also said and l quote,

"lf you mess this up l will personally kick your ass and send you back to Holmes Chapel got it".

l was embarrassed to admit that l was intimidated by her.

The plan was simple.l was going to take her to a candle lit dinner,after that we would go dancing,walk around the beach and then me and the lads were going to sing to her.Simple enough right?,


My plan wasn't posible because Sofia didn't trust me enough to go on a date.l had to start all over with her.So here l am buying a buquet of yellow roses just for her,because l know how much she loves them.Just the thought of her maid me smile.l had fallen for her l wasn't afraid to say that l loved her because l did.All l can do is try to make things like they were before Sophia came and ruined it.

"Boobear!"l called.l needed Louis help now more then ever if l wanted to get Sofia back.

"Who dare calls The Sassmasta from Doncasta"Louis randomly said making me laugh.

"Do you think she'll like these?"l asked showing him the yellow roses with tints of pink on them.

"She'll love them Hazz"he said.

"l hope so,l really want to prove to her how much l love her"l said.l noticed Louis had gotten a bit uncomfortable."Something rong mate?"l asked worried.Was Sof around?.Or worst was Sophia around?.l quickly looked around.

"No it's nothing"he said glaring at some pink tullips.

"Are you sure Boobear?"l asked.He gave me a fake smile.

"Yeah"he said.l didn't question him any further.He'd tell me eventualy.

We headed back to the flat we bought.We had growned tired of being in seperate hotel rooms so we bought a flat that had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.Sofia was sharing a room with Zayn since he didn't trust any of us with her alone.l was satisfied with the amount of roses l had bought for Sofia.l had 20 roses and one of them was fake.l was going for the classic,

'When the last rose dies,that's when l've stopped loving you' punch line.

Lou was still acting weird and l had suspected why.Could it be that my best mate still has feelings for the girl l love?."We need to talk"l said as l pulled him over to my room.

He sat down on my bed as l laid the roses on top of my desk.l turned over to him.

"Are you breaking up with me Hazza?"he asked grining.l laughed at his comment.

"No,l just want to make sure my best mate is okay with me trying to get her back"l said.His grin had disappeard.Just what l suspected."Do you still-"l started but he cut me off.

"Don't worry Harry,l'm not going after her she can make her own desicions."he said standing up and seemed to me as if he had given up.He stilled loved her but wasn't going after her.Now l felt guilty for what l had done to him.Louis deserves a better friend then one who plans posible ways on how to steal his girlfriend,hence what l did.l walked out of my room in time to see Niall with a teddy bear walking into Zayn's and Sofia's room.

In This Life,As We Fall For Each Other - One Direction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now