"No!",Harry protested.

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey Lou do you actually like Sofia?"l asked him.

l'm determined to get Sofia,l'll even get Louis a new girlfriend if l have to.

"Yes,why do you ask?.Are you jealous?"he asked wiggleling his eyebrows.

You have no idea.

"No,just curious,l mean you just met the girl"l said.

"l know but,she's different you know,she's not like Hannah,she makes me happy"he said.l can't belive l'm willing to deprive my bestfriend from happiness just because l want the girl he's dating.But it's like Mel said one of us fell for the wrong girl and l'm sure as hell not the one.

"But what if you found a girl who's like you?"l asked.

"l have and that's Sofia.Haz im getting a vibe that you might not want me with her"he said looking at me oddly.

"lt's not that mate,lt's the fact that l think you shouldn't take her seriously"l said.

"Why not?"he asked.

What to say ,what to say?.

"You just met,what happens if she turns out to be a serial killer or worst Dr.Heinz Doofenshmirtz"l said.

"Harry you are aware that he is a fictional character right?"he asked trying not to laugh.

"And your point is?"l said.l don't care what anyone thinks,that guy is creepy.He just laughed in my face."Lovely Lou"l said sarcasticly.

"l get it Harry"Louis said.


"You do?"l asked worried.

"Of course your my best friend Haz.You think l'm going to ignore you to spend more time with Sofy"he said.

Thank God Lou can be blind sometimes.

"Yeah,you're right,that's it"l said.

"Harry l wouldn't change our frienship for a relationship"he said.

But apperantly l would.

"Thanks Lou,that means alot"l said as he hugged me.

l can't do it!.

l can't hurt my best friend.

l'll just have to find a girl... a perfect girl for Louis!.


Today was a new day.Meaning today is the day l start looking for girls that would be perfect for Lou.

"Harry can l talk to you?".Liam.

"Are you going to repremend me again"l said.

"No.Harry if you value your friendship with Louis you wouldn't be going after his girl"he said.

"You know l'm tired of you and Mel putting his feelings before mine.Louis can have any other girl"l said.

"So could you.lt's even easier for you.You have more fans."Liam said.

l didn't speak.

"Thank you.Just please Harry don't do anything you will regret"he said leaving me alone.

l won't regret finding my best mate a girl.


"Harry!"someone yelled from behind me.l was walking around the neighborhood.l turned around to see Melissa.

In This Life,As We Fall For Each Other - One Direction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now