chapter 6

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chapter 6


We when in a small clearing the had Christmas tree lights strung up. And there in the center was a red and white checkered blanket. There where candles around it and there was a picnic basket in the center.

I ran to anthony and threw my arms around him.

"Do u like it?" He asked

"No," i said and his smile disappered " i love it!" And it came back

We sat about and he feed me strawberries covered in chocolate syrup.

Once the date was over anthony dropped me of at my house . I walked to the door and waved by.

I walked in and my mom was there.

"Soooo how'ed it go?" She asksed

"It was amazing." I said

"Now off to bed u got school tomorrow."

"Night mom" and i went to bed.

I know it was short but at least it was something.

The Werewolfs Mate (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now